A quick reminder, the following domains are currently for sale at Auctionpus.com and all of the auctions will end today at 2 PM EST (less than 4 hours left):
Posted on 30 May 2011 by Andrei
A quick reminder, the following domains are currently for sale at Auctionpus.com and all of the auctions will end today at 2 PM EST (less than 4 hours left):
Posted on 29 May 2011 by Andrei
As all of you know, parking revenue went down the you know what over the past couple of years and a lot of people have moved away from this monetization option altogether. I think the launch of InternetTraffic.com and the revenue increases several portfolio holders have been reporting made a lot of domainers ask themselves if this situation can “save” the parking industry. If you’d prefer, the question I’m asking today (“Can the parking industry be saved?”) can be replaced by two more specific ones:
Posted on 24 May 2011 by Andrei
That’s pretty impressive, I don’t care who you are. According to DailyChanges.com, InternetTraffic.com has 92,057 domains at the moment of writing, with a gain of 19,041 domains. I’m sure all of you will agree that 100k is an easy target for tomorrow and I’ll go ahead and list the TOTAL number of domains for a few very well-known parking companies:
Posted on 23 May 2011 by Andrei
If this trend continues, then it will be clear to everyone that Frank intends to say no to typo/TM traffic and that would be a great thing IMO. According to DailyChanges.com, about 1,000 domains have been removed from Frank Schilling’s feed yesterday. Only 2 domains are “out” today and that’s how the trend has been since the project went live, so that makes me think that yesterday’s 1k domains have been removed by Frank and not by the domainer who owns them (the same domainer btw, privacy was used for all of ’em).
Posted on 22 May 2011 by Andrei
Since I launched a dedicated server business last month, I’m sure some of you suspected that I’ll be offering fully managed shared hosting and VPS hosting soon. You were right! Through DomainingServers.com, I’ll do just that as of today, it’s basically the Web’s only “by domainers, for domainers” hosting service with prices starting at $1.95 per month (not a typo). Alright, let’s analyze my latest project (same format as the previous case studies):
Posted on 21 May 2011 by Andrei
I know, I know, this isn’t a domaining-related rant but sheesh: is it just me being unreasonable or is there some kind of an overly mediatized news story related to the end of the world each week or at least month these days? Sometimes it’s a scientist making these predictions, sometimes a clairvoyant/whatever and this time, it’s a 89-year-old dude who thinks the world is going to end today (May 21). Oh well, it was nice meeting you guys 🙂
Posted on 16 May 2011 by Andrei
One of the world’s most popular music-related events, Eurovision, uses a dot tv domain for its official website. Quite a few companies seem to like this TLD and in my opinion, after Verisign removed the premium pricing structure back in March 2010, .tv is a very good option for domainers as well. I own several quality .tv domains, Mike Berkens owns a bunch and the list could go on and on. If you’re interested in .tv, you need to understand one thing:
Posted on 16 May 2011 by Andrei
Our third set of bi-monthly auctions will end today at 2 PM EST, only approximately 6 hours left: DatingBook.com, Personals.biz, PUA.tv, Daniel.tv, GoldJewelry.net, FashionForMen.com, EngagementJewelry.com and DiamondRing.net! In order to place a bid, simply visit Auctionpus.com.
Posted on 10 May 2011 by Andrei
I’ve noticed a few similar situations before and all I can say is this: take a close look at the domain before placing a bid or you might just end up winning a typo like Investor.com (Lnvestor.com, NOT investor.com) and all of a sudden realize that the “deal of a lifetime” was simply an embarrassing mistake.
Posted on 08 May 2011 by Andrei
I have one laptop, three desktops and a netbook at the moment of writing but my laptop is trying to get the message across that it’s retirement time, so I’m going to buy a new one next week. Give me some ideas, what do you guys use? I’d love to hear about your positive experiences as well as horror stories with various brands, should be interesting!