Tag Archive | "domainingtips"

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CRYS.com sold for $10,750

Posted on 08 January 2023 by NamePros Daily

Today: How well do French domains do? / The Appraisal of Jewelry.com.co / Looking for Spare Parts related domains – Budget: Up to $4,000.00 / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Evaluating ForceUpSecurity.com – Are you investing into any fifteen-letter, three-word, long-tail, .com domain names like ForceUpSecurity.com? If so, what does your research suggest that this one is worth?

Buying domain name related to the logo & design – Budget: Up to $50.00 – Do you have any logo and design related domain names in your domain portfolio collecting dust you want to liquidate fast? If so, this could be a chance to do so for some quick spending cash this weekend.

Looking for Spare Parts related domains – Budget: Up to $4,000.00 – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these spare parts related domain names that this buyer needs. This could be an opportunity at some fast reinvestment capital.

The Appraisal of Jewelry.com.co – That’s an interesting looking dictionary-word, seven-letters, .com.co domain, but is it good enough to have some liquid value in today’s market? What would you appraise it for?

How well do French domains do? – What say you about French domain name assets? Are you investing into any French domain name assets? If so, what is the market looking like right now? Take a peek at what some French domain investors are saying and compare notes.

CRYS.com sold for $10,750 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a four-letter, pronounceable, brandable, typo, .com domain for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

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TEM.com sold for $72,750

Posted on 26 July 2022 by NamePros Daily

Today: Buying one-word or LLL .CO’s – Budget: Up to $1,000.00 ea. / The Appraisal of Heap.info / .CO domain ONLY $1.49 / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Appraising Contraction.xyz – Are you investing into any eleven-letter, single-word, .xyz, ngTLD’s like Contraction.xyz? If so, what does your research suggest that this domain might be worth?

Buying one-word or LLL .CO’s – Budget: Up to $1,000.00 ea. – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these single-word or three-letter .co ccTLD’s that this buyer needs. this could be an opportunity at some fast reinvestment capital.

The Appraisal of Heap.info – That’s an interesting looking four-letter, dictionary-word, .info, gTLD, but is it good enough to have some value in today’s market? What would you appraise it for?

.CO domain ONLY $1.49 – If you have been thinking about investing into a new .co ccTLD registration, but on the fence due to price, this promotion might help you save a few bucks.

TEM.com sold for $72,750 – That’s not bad domain name sales report for a three-letter, brandable, pronounceable, acronym, .com domain, for a high-five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

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Review – Ultra low EPC parking companies

Posted on 04 February 2022 by NamePros Daily

Today: Domain selling – Bulk Emailing and Outbound Marketing / Buying popular dictionary word .me – Total Budget: $2,000.00 / .COM is not the first choice but the ultimate choice / and more…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying 1-word / First Name .XYZ – Total Budget: $500.00 – If you have any of these single-word or first-name .xyz ngTLD’s this buyer wants, this could be your chance at some quick reinvestment money.

Buying popular dictionary word .me – Total Budget: $2,000.00 – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these popular dictionary-word .me domains that this buyer needs. this could be an opportunity to liquidate for some fast weekend spending cash.

.COM is not the first choice but the ultimate choice – When it comes to the .com extension in comparison to all the other TLD’s out there, do you agree or disagree with that domain investors statement> Share your thoughts.

CasinoNight.com sold for $23,000 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a eleven-letter, two-word, .com domain for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Domain selling – Bulk Emailing and Outbound Marketing – Have you tested bulk emailing or other outbound marketing strategies? If so, which one(s) worked best for you? If not, take a look at what’s working for others.

Review – Ultra low EPC parking companies – When it comes to all the parking companies listed, which one do you have best experience with when it comes to EPC? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying.

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How to stay focused with your portfolio

Posted on 07 February 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: How to start investing with a tiny budget / Converting inbound inquiries / Average marketing capital needed to sell a domain asset / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!

Looking for Fitness Related .COM – Budget: Up to $1,000.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for a fitness related .com that meets this buyers guideline. They are looking for a smooth transaction.

I Want to Buy a ONE WORD .co Domain – This investor has a budget of up to $200.00 for the right one-word .co ccTLD. Take a look at their specified criteria if you have one you want to liquidate for some fast cash.

TableLights.com sold for $12,000 – That’s not a bad eleven-letter, two-word, .com domain name sales report for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Average marketing capital needed to sell a domain asset – Do you have a marketing budget to promote your domains listed for sale? How much do you spend? Check out what other domain investors are spending on advertising their domains before one sells.

Converting inbound inquiries – Do you have a set strategy that works on converting potential buyers that contacted you first? Compare notes with other domain investors that have been finding success.

How to start investing with a tiny budget – Are you strapped for cash, but wanting to get started in domain investing on a tight budget? Take a peek at what other domain investors are suggesting.

How to stay focused with your portfolio – Do you have a hard time focusing on your domain name portfolio? Is it organized and niche specific? How is it converting? Take a look at what other domain investors are doing to stay more focused on their domain portfolio so it doesn’t get out of hand.

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Increasing domain renewal fees causing large portfolio holders to sell

Posted on 05 February 2019 by NamePros Daily

Today: Defining a domain names value / 97688.com sold for $4,597 / Should you turn domain privacy off? / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying pronounceable LLLL.COM and dictionary words .co.uk domains – This buyer has a total budget of up to $20,000.00 and looking for four-letter .com’s in bulk. Do you have one that fits this buyers criteria?

Buying 2 word .coms with specific keywords and CVCV.com / VCVC.com – If you have any two-word .com’s with specific keywords, CVCV .com’s, or a VCVC .com, you could be up to $5,000.00 richer. Take a look at this buyers guideline.

Byepage.com -What exactly does a “Bye Page” look like? Is that the popup that say’s goodbye before you leave a website, or could it be something else? What would a domain like this one be worth in today’s market?

Should you turn domain privacy off? – There’s a mixed consensus when it comes to domain privacy. Some prefer it on so they get less spam and other prefer it public so they get more domain purchase inquiries. What about you?

97688.com sold for $4,597 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a five-number .com in the mid-four-figure range. Do you think it shpuld have sold for more or less than what it sold for?

Defining a domain names value – Do you have a domain appraising or evaluation strategy that hits the nail on the head? Take a look at how other domain investors determine value in a domain and share your strategy too.

Increasing domain renewal fees causing large portfolio holders sellHas anyone else started to see some of the larger portfolio holders dropping or selling more domains for a fraction of what they used to?

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