Categorized | Case Studies

Case Study #4 – (Shared Hosting and VPS Hosting)

Posted on 22 May 2011 by Andrei

Since I launched a dedicated server business last month, I’m sure some of you suspected that I’ll be offering fully managed shared hosting and VPS hosting soon. You were right! Through, I’ll do just that as of today, it’s basically the Web’s only “by domainers, for domainers” hosting service with prices starting at $1.95 per month (not a typo). Alright, let’s analyze my latest project (same format as the previous case studies):


My company already offered the following services:

1) Article writing
2) Banner design
3) Logo design
4) Theme/template design
5) Dedicated servers
6) Escrow services

It should come as no surprise that I decided to offer two more types of services (shared hosting and VPS hosting) because, as mentioned on more than one occasion:

I Want You to Buy EVERYTHING from Me

I love working with clients and specialize in offering services at WHOLESALE prices. In other words, my company is the place where people who sell services to others buy from.

By establishing myself as a vendor you can rely on, I’m simplifying your business model and helping you maximize revenue: instead of buying from all sorts of different companies, you know that mine offers everything you could possibly need: hosting, articles, banners, logos, themes/templates and even escrow services.

How to Order?

All you need to do is head on over to and place an order. Here are the 3 packages you can choose from:

1) Shared Hosting

For all of these packages, we’re offering:

  • UNLIMITED Domains
  • UNLIMITED Bandwidth
  • FREE cPanel
  • FREE Off-Server Backups
  • 24/7/365 Support

Great Domains + Solid Business Model + Determination

… once again, the “not so secret” formula I’ve been talking about since I bought,,,,, and now what do all of these projects have in common?

I’ll let you figure that out by re-reading this case study as well as:

Case Study #1
Case Study #2
Case Study #3

3 Comments For This Post

  1. nmwando Says:

    hehehe I was actually in the market for a vps, that 3 gb ram deal is a bargain

  2. theinvestor Says:

    So a VPS is for when you have more traffic but not enough to justify a dedicated server right?

  3. Andrei Says:

    @theinvestor: a VPS represents the best possible choice for someone with more complex needs (most people go the VPS route for traffic/resource usage-related reasons but on the other hand, maybe you don’t like Apache and want to use let’s say something like Nginx instead, there are also lots of benefits which have nothing to do with traffic/resource usage) but who doesn’t need a physical server. As the name suggests, a VPS (Virtual Private Server) is basically a “server in a server”: you can reboot it, you have SSH access and so on 🙂

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