Archive | July, 2018

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When And How To Outbound Pitch A Big Company

Posted on 30 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: sold for $25,522 / Trademark Question About Generic Keywords / Register a .biz domain for ONLY $0.99 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying Brandable & Pronounceable 4L.coms – Do you have any four letter .com domain assets in your portfolio? If one of them meets this buyers criteria, they could make a quick $3,000.00.

FlashGame.Org – I’m not sure a flash game has much leverage in a non-profit .org market. Unless, of course, the flash games were free and educational. Donated to schools and online learning programs at no charge. What do you think the domain is worth? – Generic, but it sure sounds direct and to the point of what the service does. It get’s your stuff shipped. How much do you think such a targeted domain asset could be worth? sold for $25,522 – Wow! A very nice five digit ($25,522.00) sales report for a four number .com. Simply awesome! Do you think it should have sold for more?

Register a .biz domain for ONLY $0.99 – If you’re a .biz investor or looking for to get started in .biz, a $0.99 registration offer is ideal.

Trademark Question About Generic Keywords – What are your thoughts on the use of generic keywords and trademarks using them? There are several mixed opinions. What side of the fence do you land on?

When And How To Outbound Pitch A Big Company – Do you use this method and strategy to decide when a good time to outbound sell a domain directly to a big company?

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Tags: , , , , , sold for $21,527

Posted on 28 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: I’m buying advertising-related domains / .associates not working for business / Are You Pricing Yourself Out of the Market? / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying small revenue websites – Do you have any revenue generating websites you no longer have time to develop further you want to sell? This buyer is looking is looking to spend up to $500.00 for a decent one. Check out their criteria. – I’m not sure at all on this one. What about you? How much do you think could be appraised for?

$75 USD Logo Contest – Do you have some design skills and need an extra $75.00 in your pocket? Check out this logo design contest and see if you can win.

I’m buying advertising-related domains – Be sure to check your portfolio for an advertising related domain that meets this buyers guidelines. They have up to $150.00 to spend for the perfect one.

Are You Pricing Yourself Out of the Market? – Have you ever sat down and thought about how you’re pricing your domain names? Are you running all the real buyers away or is there really a bigger buyer out there worth the wait?

.associates not working for business – Has anyone else run into these kinds of problems with the .associates new gTLD? How did you overcome this obstacle? sold for $21,527 – Not a bad sale at all. Are photo booths still a thing? Either way, $21,527.00 is a great sales report!

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Hand Registered Domains That Sell In 24Hrs For Thousands

Posted on 26 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Best back-order service for .de, .it and .es / Google doesn’t like .net domains / sold for $4,150 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Using a new gTLD as main brand – Have you ever run into these obstacles trying to use a new gTLD as your primary brand? I think it means that a lot of companies haven’t upgraded/updated their systems/framework/code to be complaint in today’s markets.

Google faillisted domains with traffic – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these domains. This buyer is ready to invest in bulk if you have what they need. Check out their guideline. sold for $3,500! – Another four digit .tv ccTLD sales report to get your blood pumping. Those .tv’s just keep cranking sales out.

Best back-order service for .de, .it and .es – Which back-order service would you recommend for .de, .it, and .es ccTLDs? Check out what others are using.

Google doesn’t like .net domains – Wait a minute. How accurate do you think this is? Is that really the only two gTLDs that google holds higher value for in their algorithm? sold for $4,150 – Not a bad three character .com sale, but I would have guessed it got more. What do you think it should have sold for?

Hand Registered Domains That Sell In 24Hrs For Thousands – This used to happen all the time. How often do you think it happens in today’s markets? Check out what others think.

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?.to sold for $5,000

Posted on 24 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: New WHOIS details – “REDACTED FOR PRIVACY” / sold for $8,500 / Political Domains in the News/ And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Successful Domain Sales – Outbound Pitch – What outbound pitch are you using that’s working? Share your pitch and check out what others pitches look like.

What is the highest offer you rejected? – Care to share the highest offer you ever rejected in your domain investing career? This could get interesting fast. forwards to the new gtld domain – There’s nothing like a powerful, short, premium, dictionary word/brand forwarding to anew gTLD. That may be a sign that the new gTLDs are picking up more momentum. sold for $8,500 – Whoever said that .me ccTLD domains were dead, was wrong. Check out this $8,500.00 .me sales report.

New WHOIS details – “REDACTED FOR PRIVACY” – Is anyone else seeing this redacted for privacy message when they check on the whois ownership information?

Political Domains in the News – Have you seen or do you keep track of political related domain names in the news to get ideas for future investment opportunities? Share some of the political domains you’ve seen in the news and check out what others shared.

?.to sold for $5,000 – Wow! Talk about a motivational IDN emoji domain name sales report. Are you investing in emoji domains? re they selling like this one or the others mentioned in the report are?

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Tags: , , , , , Sold for $7,700

Posted on 22 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Taxes in India for selling a domain name overseas / Show off your .social domains / .FYI showcase / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: – I think the hyphen hurts this one. Do you think there is any value in a hyphen domain asset like this one? What is it worth on today’s markets?

Nonprofit with some for profit – Partnership or LLC? – Which would you choose in this situation, a partnership or an LLC filing? If you’ve run online businesses before and dealt with the assumed name, licensing, and filing statuses, your opinion is valued. – What is a “Canna Stall”? Is it a pop-up stall/kiosk in the mall dispensing marijuana products? Maybe a stall at a horse stable made out of canna byproducts?

Taxes in India for selling a domain name overseas – Are you paying sales tax on domain names you sell overseas? How many countries do you think requires taxation on domain assets? Is India one of them?

Show off your .social domains – If you have some .social domain names you’re proud of, share a few with other .social investors and check out what they are buying.

.FYI showcase – Are you investing into the .fyi new gTLD extension? What domains have you invested into so far? Sold for $7,700 – Now this is a long three word domain name sale. I’m not sure why it sold for a high four figures. Why do you think it sold for that much?

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The Best Tips For Selling To End Users

Posted on 20 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: How long it takes to make your first sale / The value of .Net’s today / sold for $9,449 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Buying .com niche YP categories, occupations and job titles – Be sure to check your portfolio for a domain that meets this investors criteria. They have up to $5,000.00 to spend per domain.

Will endusers filter out low price domains? – What do you think? Do end users filer out low prices and just look at the high value for stature, or do they consider cheap ones too? – This ones pretty long, but it’s geo targeted. Is this a  semi-good geo targeted domain? What’s it worth? sold for $9,449 – Now that is an interesting domain name. Catchy and sounds cool! Was it worth more than what it sold for?

The value of .Net’s today – Are you still investing in .net gTLD’s? How is their value holding up in current markets? Share some of your data.

How long it takes to make your first sale – How long did it take you the first time you sold a domain? If you haven’t sold one yet, check out some of the answers.

The Best Tips For Selling To End Users – Do you have experience selling directly to end users? Check out some of the tips other domain investors mentions and share one of your own.

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Buying two word, one word and brandable .com’s

Posted on 18 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: I’m investing in domains with A LITTLE BIT of traffic / The importance of other TLD’s being taken / Giggle.TV sold for $9,000 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

.pro or .online – When investing into Geo related domain name assets, which of these two extensions is the best one? Or maybe there’s a better one? – This is a long two domain that seems like it would have some value. How much do you think it should be appraised for? sold for $3,250 – This is not a bad four digit sale. It’s an interesting brand name choice, that’s for sure. But, was it really worth what it sold for?

Giggle.TV sold for $9,000 – Wow! another nice .tv ccTLD domain name sales report. The .tv’s just keep flying off the shelf with sales each week.

The importance of other TLD’s being taken – Which side of the fence do you sit on? Does the value of a domain increase if lots of the TLDs are taken already, or does it not help at all?

I’m investing in domains with A LITTLE BIT of traffic – Do you have any light traffic domains in your portfolio you want to sell for a quick buck? This buyer has a max budget of $150.00

Buying two word, one word and brandable .com’s – Be sure to double check that domain portfolio, this buyer has a total budget of $1,500.00 to spend.

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The domain industry 10 years from now

Posted on 16 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: $40,000 budget for real-English words / “New” email scam targeting domain investors – Subject: Yоu’re my viсtim / How much money have you LOST with your domain investments / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

4 letter .com names – Do you have some four letter .com’s in your secret stash and want to let them go for up to $1,000.00 each? Check out this buyer request!

$10,000 for short meaningful brand name – Wow! $10,000.00 for a domain name! Do you have the right brandable domain they are looking for and need a quick $10,000.00 in your pocket? Check out their guidelines. – This domain sure does sound like it has good end-user potential for a network of attorney’s in the Miami/Dade area. How much do you think it’s worth?

$40,000 budget for real-English words – Wait… What? A $40,000.00 domain buyer request? Now we’re talking. Check your portfolio for a domain that meets their specified criteria for a crack at that $40,000.00.

“New” email scam targeting domain investors – Subject: Yоu’re my viсtim – It seems that this email scam is mainly targeting domain investors. Have you received an email like this one yet? If so, did you reply to it?

How much money have you LOST with your domain investments – This is an interesting topic. How many people are sharing accurate figures, do you think? Share how much you’ve lost and gained over the years.

The domain industry 10 years from now – What do you think the domain industry will look like in 10 more years? There’s a lot of different opinions so far. What is yours?

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Your 4-Letter dot com SOLD TODAY

Posted on 14 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: “Brandable” is a trademarked word now. Sorry folks / sold for $15,527 / 10 Tips on Hand Registering Domain Names Without Breaking the Bank / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

How can people say that there are no TLD premium names left? – At first glance, I thought it was a typo. Then, later I realized the conversation had some comedy hidden in it.

Looking for pronounceable up to $100 – Be sure to check your portfolio for of these three letter .io ccTLDs. This buyer is ready to invest.

Any domainers in Mexico? – If you are a domain investor and reside in Mexico, you should check this out. There’s a meet-up request calling all domain investors in Mexico.

10 Tips on Hand Registering Domain Names Without Breaking the Bank – If you are a hand registering domain investor, this might be an interesting read for you.

“Brandable” is a trademarked word now. Sorry folks – Wow! So, do you think this will have any effect on those that use the generic version of the dictionary word? Or maybe we have to remove it from the dictionary now? sold for $15,527 – There’s nothing like waking up in the morning to low five digit domain name sale for two word niche. Are you motivated yet?

Your 4-Letter dot com SOLD TODAY – There is a lot of speculation regarding the four letter .com liquid values going down. These two four letter .com’s (Random letters) sold for a low three digits. Wouldn’t that still constitute a retention in value?

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Domain gets a huge amount of traffic – Now what?

Posted on 12 July 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Are 95% of domains being under-sold? / Study portfolios of other domain investors / sold for $5,000 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Anyone going to MERGE 2018? – So, how about it, will you be attending MERGE 2018 this year? Let’s sound off a roll call. It looks like someone wants to split hotel room costs to make it more cost effective. – Seems a bit generic and in saturated niche, but does it still have some value? What would you say it’s worth? – I’m not sure about you, but I’m just not seeing the value in this .org. How do you think they could monetize this one? sold for $5,000 – Yet another great motivational mid-five digit domain name sales report. Do you feel your heart bounding and blood racing at this second level ccTLD sale?

Study portfolios of other domain investors – There is some good philosophy when it comes to studying other domain investors portfolios. As long as you do it the right way that is. Are you doing it the right way?

Are 95% of domains being under-sold? – There are a couple different opinions on this topic. What do you think about the amount domains are selling for on average these days?

Domain gets a huge amount of traffic – Now what? – If you had a domain you just acquired and realized it was getting 200,000 visitors per week, what would you do to monetize it better?

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