Posted on 10 July 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: Payoneer Terminates Escrow Service / Losing a domain and buying it back again / sold for $2,444 / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
What do you think about “The + keyword” .com? – Are you investing in “The + Keyword” .com domain names? If so, how are they doing for you? Care to share some statistics? sold for 2,499 EUR! – There’s nothing like a four digit .tv ccTLD sales report to keep you motivated and remind us that .tv domains are still going strong.
Does a domain have to have traffic to be valuable? – What are your thoughts on this? If a domain has no traffic, does it also have no value? Or is that just a myth? sold for $2,444 – Waking up to a four digit sale like this for is a good way to start the day. But, was it worth that much?
Losing a domain and buying it back again – Have you ever done that? What is your experience with contacting a new owner of a domain you lost? Were they receptive or did you have to pay more?
Payoneer Terminates Escrow Service – Is this true? Wow! If it is, then there are going to be a lot of upset domain investors. Payoneer is/was one of the leading competitors in the top 3 for domain escrow.
Buying Popular Quotes, Sayings, and Catch Phrases in .com – Be sure to double check our portfolio for ones of these various niche domain name assets. This buyer is ready to invest in the ones that meet their guideline.
Posted on 08 July 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: The Future of Technology – The most advanced domains / Have you ever met a domainer? / The average revenue made flipping domains / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: – It’s long, but it also has a targeted purpose. It’s generic, but I suppose it could be brandable. What do you think the value of such a domain name would be?
Buying one word .fi domains – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for a single word .fi ccTLD domain asset. This buyer has a budget of up to $1,500.00 for the right one. – There’s just way too many of these types of domains being hand registered and dropped year after year. Is this one a rare gem though? What would you appraise it for?
The average revenue made flipping domains – Have you been generating the same mount consistently each month? How much to you think the average domain investor makes monthly?
Have you ever met a domainer? – Well, have you? Do you just know them online or have you actually met one in person to shake their hand? Check out what people are saying about this.
The Future of Technology – The most advanced domains – Are you investing into future technology domain names? What are you investing in? Share some of your future technology domains and see what others are buying.
Strategies for selling domains? – There’s a lot of interesting domain name sales strategies that people use in this industry. What are some of yours? Check out what others are doing.
Posted on 06 July 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: 4 Letter Dot Com domains are still hot / Domain cost breakdowns / sold for $3,230… / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Looking for .com domains in 3 Categories – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for one of these three categories. This buyer is ready to invest. – Seems like a logical and cohesive two word combination that it scalable. Is that enough to give it value though? How much do you think it’s worth?
I sold 38 domains to a single buyer – have you ever made multiple sales to the same buyer before? Maybe not yet, but after you’ve been doing this a few years as a reseller you’ll start to see the same investors coming back for more. sold for $3,230… – I remember cruising the strip as a teenager. Those were fun times. Not a bad four digit sale for the slang term cruisin.
Domain cost breakdowns – What are some of the key points you consider when providing a potential end user a price breakdown to show where the value is, justifying the sales price?
4 Letter Dot Com domains are still hot – Four letter .com’s became liquid in value a couple years ago and still holding on strong. Would you agree the four letter .com value will keep rising or do you think it’s almost time for it to drop?
The dangers of domain trends – Are you a trend follower or trend setter? In either case there are pros and cons to consider and it can be dangerous to follow a trend on a dead end street.
Posted on 04 July 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: Current sales trends / sold for $249,980, but iPuzzles sold for only $358 / .SPACE discussion, news and showcase / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
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Posted on 02 July 2018 by NamePros Daily
Today: Advice for a new domain investor / Nominate Domain Name Investor of the Year 2018 / sold for $2,548 / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
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