Today: Taxes in India for selling a domain name overseas / Show off your .social domains / .FYI showcase / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: – I think the hyphen hurts this one. Do you think there is any value in a hyphen domain asset like this one? What is it worth on today’s markets?
Nonprofit with some for profit – Partnership or LLC? – Which would you choose in this situation, a partnership or an LLC filing? If you’ve run online businesses before and dealt with the assumed name, licensing, and filing statuses, your opinion is valued. – What is a “Canna Stall”? Is it a pop-up stall/kiosk in the mall dispensing marijuana products? Maybe a stall at a horse stable made out of canna byproducts?
Taxes in India for selling a domain name overseas – Are you paying sales tax on domain names you sell overseas? How many countries do you think requires taxation on domain assets? Is India one of them?
Show off your .social domains – If you have some .social domain names you’re proud of, share a few with other .social investors and check out what they are buying.
.FYI showcase – Are you investing into the .fyi new gTLD extension? What domains have you invested into so far? Sold for $7,700 – Now this is a long three word domain name sale. I’m not sure why it sold for a high four figures. Why do you think it sold for that much?