Today: How long it takes to make your first sale / The value of .Net’s today / sold for $9,449 / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying .com niche YP categories, occupations and job titles – Be sure to check your portfolio for a domain that meets this investors criteria. They have up to $5,000.00 to spend per domain.
Will endusers filter out low price domains? – What do you think? Do end users filer out low prices and just look at the high value for stature, or do they consider cheap ones too? – This ones pretty long, but it’s geo targeted. Is this a semi-good geo targeted domain? What’s it worth? sold for $9,449 – Now that is an interesting domain name. Catchy and sounds cool! Was it worth more than what it sold for?
The value of .Net’s today – Are you still investing in .net gTLD’s? How is their value holding up in current markets? Share some of your data.
How long it takes to make your first sale – How long did it take you the first time you sold a domain? If you haven’t sold one yet, check out some of the answers.
The Best Tips For Selling To End Users – Do you have experience selling directly to end users? Check out some of the tips other domain investors mentions and share one of your own.