Today: “Brandable” is a trademarked word now. Sorry folks / sold for $15,527 / 10 Tips on Hand Registering Domain Names Without Breaking the Bank / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
How can people say that there are no TLD premium names left? – At first glance, I thought it was a typo. Then, later I realized the conversation had some comedy hidden in it.
Looking for pronounceable up to $100 – Be sure to check your portfolio for of these three letter .io ccTLDs. This buyer is ready to invest.
Any domainers in Mexico? – If you are a domain investor and reside in Mexico, you should check this out. There’s a meet-up request calling all domain investors in Mexico.
10 Tips on Hand Registering Domain Names Without Breaking the Bank – If you are a hand registering domain investor, this might be an interesting read for you.
“Brandable” is a trademarked word now. Sorry folks – Wow! So, do you think this will have any effect on those that use the generic version of the dictionary word? Or maybe we have to remove it from the dictionary now? sold for $15,527 – There’s nothing like waking up in the morning to low five digit domain name sale for two word niche. Are you motivated yet?
Your 4-Letter dot com SOLD TODAY – There is a lot of speculation regarding the four letter .com liquid values going down. These two four letter .com’s (Random letters) sold for a low three digits. Wouldn’t that still constitute a retention in value?
July 14th, 2018 at 11:34 pm
I have (Best part of Waking Up) still no offers,so I don’t know if the “LLLL” market is fully back yet.