Archive | May, 2018

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Domain Names, Intellectual Property, And GDPR

Posted on 31 May 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Domain prefixes and suffixes / Buying 2-word .com’s related to healthcare / Sold for $127,258 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

.Best domain showcase – Do you have any .best domains you want to show off? Compare with what other investors are buying. – Hunting lasers sounds interesting. Maybe a laser sight that attaches to a hunting rifle? Or, maybe even an actual laser gun designed for hunting that emits a beam of energy. was sold for $1,027 – Another cool .tv ccTLD sales report in the four-digit range. Keep it up .tv resellers.

Buying 2-word .com’s related to healthcare – Do you have a two-word healthcare-related domain name in your portfolio? Check out this investors guideline to see if you have they need. Sold for $127,258 – Okey! That’s much better than the last few three sales reports at a staggering low five digits. Six digits like this one are where they should be.

Domain prefixes and suffixes – How much value do you put on a domain names prefix and suffix? Does the value vary or is it pretty consistent across the board?

Domain Names, Intellectual Property, And GDPR – Have every taken the time to compare lists of intellectual property domains to what everyday domain investors are buying?

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Investing in Youtuber Channel Domains

Posted on 29 May 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: The rage with .net CHIP domains / A domain is now locked via a marketplace negotiation / Sold for $13,955 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Domain investors and famous people – What famous person(s) have you met or worked with as a domain investor? Who is your claim to fame? – What kind of value do you think an uncommon dictionary hack like this one would be worth in today’s markets? – Does an English dictionary word like “Flights” work with a ccTLD like .VC where English is not the primary language? Sold for $13,955 – Really? Now, that’s an interesting .de ccTLD five digit domain name sales report. Would you have guessed it would sell for that much?

The rage with .net CHIP domains – Is this actually a trend or just a bunch of hype? Didn’t the CHIP trend already die off a couple years ago?

A domain is now locked via a marketplace negotiation – Have you ever had your domain locked in a marketplace for sending a counter offer on a listed domain?

Investing in Youtuber Channel Domains – Does this strategy actually work? Most youtuber don’t make that much revenue from their videos to justify paying a large amount for the matching domain name.

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gTLD domain investor fighting GDPR!

Posted on 27 May 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Cryptocurrency Escrow Services For Domains / Please showcase your BRANDABLE .ca’s / sold for $5,000! / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Evaluating domain value based on SEO – Does SEO (Search Engine Optimization) help add value to a domain name? How would you evaluate an SEO type domain? Sold for $37,038 – A very nice five digit domain name sales report to get you motivated and your blood pumping. – Not sure the .org helps with value on this one. But then, the name itself may not be very good. What do you think.

Cryptocurrency Escrow Services For Domains – Are there any escrow services that accept cryptocurrencies for domain name sales that are reliable?

Please showcase your BRANDABLE .ca’s – Are you a .ca ccTLD investor? Showcase your brandable .ca domain names here and compare notes with other .ca ccTLD investors like yourself. sold for $5,000! – It’s nice to see another four digit .tv ccTLD domain sales report. This one should get all of you, tv investors motivated.

gTLD domain investor fighting GDPR! – Interesting story from a gTLD domain investor fighting GDPR. Have you ever encountered a situation like this one involving GDPR?

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An end-user prospecting strategy you may have overlooked

Posted on 25 May 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: How to register a domain name forever / Parking Revenue Exposed / How GDRP will affect outbound domain sales / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: Sold for $31,000 – It’s a nice five digit sale, but shouldn’t three letter .com’s be selling for way more than that? There seems to be a lot of three letter .com’s going for a fraction of what they used to.

VOD video on domain discussion and showcase – Is anyone else investing into the VOD video niche? Check out what others are doing and compare your notes with like-minded investors.

StickShift dot Com – I like driving stick shifts, do you? If you are familiar with them then you can probably see some potential here. What would you say this domain is worth?

Parking Revenue Exposed – Wow! Things have changed a lot in the last decade. Remember when parking domains were the hottest thing to do to generate good income? According to these reports, you may be lucky to earn a dollar.

An end-user prospecting strategy you may have overlooked – Have you ever prospected a potential end-user like this before? It seems like a very good approach that could render big rewards.

How to register a domain name forever – Do you know anyone who has registered a domain name for life? Is it even possible or is there a strict 10-year limit?

GDPR: US news sites unavailable to EU users over data protection rules – Is it just me or is this starting to sound like the EU is working towards blocking all international news sources in order to keep their citizens only watching pre-approved news outlets locally?

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Buying 1 and 2 word .com’s with 50,000 + monthly search volume

Posted on 23 May 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: How To Evaluate Premium Domain Names / he best way to appraise city + state domain name assets / How GDRP will affect outbound domain sales / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Showcase and discuss your BLOCKSHINE domain names – Do you have any BlockShine domain names? Is this even a real trend or just some hype to create traction?

Just sold the domain “” to kattel – Nothing like a $2,576.00 new gTLD sale to start your day off right. Who would have thought that a .tel would clear four figures? sold for $19,888 – What? Did “Law Leader” actually sell for $19,888.00? I would have never guessed the value to be that high.

How GDRP will affect outbound domain sales – Are you concerned that your outbound domain name sales strategy will be affected by GDPR on the 25th?

The best way to appraise city + state domain name assets – Are you a domain investor that likes city + state domains? What strategies do you use to asses the value? Share your strategy with other like-minded investors and compare notes.

How To Evaluate Premium Domain Names – How do you evaluate potential premium domain name assets? Do you have a foolproof formula that knocks it out of the park each time?

Buying 1 and 2 words .com’s with 50,000 + monthly search volume – Be sure to double check your portfolio for one of these one or two word .com’s with at least 50,000 in monthly organic search traffic. This buyer is ready to invest up to $3,000.00.

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It only takes one domain to make a million bucks

Posted on 21 May 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: I’m looking for a Pronounceable 4L .com / Emphasizing subdomain possibilities in your pitch / sold for $2,322 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Showcase and discuss Cold Storage domains – Do you have any cold storage domains in your portfolio you want to show off? Check out what other investors are buying.

Need Dictionary .org or .net – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these or .net domain names. This buyer is ready to invest.

Buying the .app domain of an existing business? – This sounds a bit like premeditated squatting, which could result in legal headaches. What do you think?

I’m looking for a Pronounceable 4L .com – Do you own one of these pronounceable four letter .com domains and looking to sell? Check out this buyer’s specified guidelines. sold for $2,322 – I wouldn’t have thought this domain would have made it passed three digits, but someone else sure did. Nice sale!

Emphasizing subdomain possibilities in your pitch – Have you ever emphasized the subdomain possibilities to potential buyers to help close a deal or establish value? How did that work out for you?

It only takes one domain to make a million bucks – do you have the next million dollar domain name? You might have it and just haven’t realized it yet.



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The Entitlement of a Dying* Industry

Posted on 21 May 2018 by Andrei

In the eyes of most domainers, a blogger needs to be someone willing to work for peanuts (or preferably $0), who doesn’t care if he’s respected or not and on the contrary, shows gratitude for the privilege of being publicly ridiculed by his peers whenever he screws up. In other words, the ideal domain blogger is a masochist.

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Buying one word .com / .io / and 2 words .com

Posted on 19 May 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: NMD.COM just sold for $15000 / Spotted this .TV on SANTA MONICA BLVD in LA / Appraisal For / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Showcase your Missed domain of the day – Did you research all day long, compile a list, and finally go to pull the trigger on some just to find out that they are no longer available? Share the gem that slipped through your fingers.

Legal letter received stating wrongful acquisition – Has this ever happened to anyone you know? How did they handle it? If you have any experience with this type situation, feel free to take a few minutes and provide some advice. Evaluation – Ok, I get the “401k” part, but what does the “AT” stand for? Was this a bad investment or a hidden gem?

NMD.COM just sold for $15000 – Wow! Did a three letter .com just sell for only $15,000.00? No way! Is this for real?

Spotted this .TV on SANTA MONICA BLVD in LA – It’s nice to .tv still running strong and being used in traditional advertising. Has anyone else seen a .tv in the wild?

Appraisal For – I’m not really liking this domain name. I suppose it might work for a brand. What do you think?

Buying one word .com / .io / and 2 words .com – Be sure to double check your portfolio for one of these bad boys. This buyer has a $3,000.00 budget for the perfect match to their criteria. Check it out.

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The fastest domain flips from acquisition to resale

Posted on 17 May 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Selling domains without a bank account / When your domain name is also a slogan / Senate Barely Passes Resolution to Restore Net Neutrality / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: sold for $15,000 – Yet another motivating five digit domain name sale to get your heart racing and blood pumping.

Buying Social Media Domain (Length 4 – 9 characters) – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these domain name assets. This buyer is ready to invest in social media domains. Check out their guidelines to see if you have what they want.

How a domain registrar can hurt your business – Have you ever experienced anything like this before with a domain registrar? How would you have handled the situation?

Selling domains without a bank account – Have you ever sold a domain name without having a bank account attached to any online payment processors before? How did you do it?

When your domain name is also a slogan – Have you ever registered slogan domain names? Please share some of your research and showcase the slogan domain you own.

Senate Barely Passes Resolution to Restore Net Neutrality – As a domain investor, are you following this whole net neutrality thing going on? How will it affect you and your domain investing?

The fastest domain flips from acquisition to resale – How fast have you ever flipped a domain name from the time of registration or acquisition? Check out some of the fast reselling other have done.

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The best way to flip (Resell) .app domains

Posted on 15 May 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: About the popularity of NNNNNN domains / When both nTLD and .com are available / sold for $10,100 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

The best target ROI (Return on investment) when flipping a domain – Everyone seems to have some type of goal set when it comes to the best return on their investments. What would you say the best return should be? sold £2500 – A great return on investment with this four-digit domain name sales report. Time to roll your sleeves up and get motivated.

Share your 3 new gTLDs with highest automated appraisal! – Which three new gTLD domains do you own with the highest automated appraisal? sold for $10,100 – Yet another five-digit .ai ccTLD domain name sales report to help get all of you .ai domain investors motivated.

When both nTLD and .com are available – Do you go for the .com, the new gTLD, or both the .com and the new gTLD? Or do you pass on them both since nobody seems to be interested at all?

About the popularity of NNNNNN domains – Has anyone else noticed that six number .coms are selling like hot cakes for more than they used to?

The best way to flip (Resell) .app domains – Have ou resold any .app new gTLD domain names yet? If so, how did you accomplish it? Share notes with other .app resellers and compare their strategies with yours.

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