Today: Selling domains without a bank account / When your domain name is also a slogan / Senate Barely Passes Resolution to Restore Net Neutrality / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today: sold for $15,000 – Yet another motivating five digit domain name sale to get your heart racing and blood pumping.
Buying Social Media Domain (Length 4 – 9 characters) – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these domain name assets. This buyer is ready to invest in social media domains. Check out their guidelines to see if you have what they want.
How a domain registrar can hurt your business – Have you ever experienced anything like this before with a domain registrar? How would you have handled the situation?
Selling domains without a bank account – Have you ever sold a domain name without having a bank account attached to any online payment processors before? How did you do it?
When your domain name is also a slogan – Have you ever registered slogan domain names? Please share some of your research and showcase the slogan domain you own.
Senate Barely Passes Resolution to Restore Net Neutrality – As a domain investor, are you following this whole net neutrality thing going on? How will it affect you and your domain investing?
The fastest domain flips from acquisition to resale – How fast have you ever flipped a domain name from the time of registration or acquisition? Check out some of the fast reselling other have done.