Today: About the popularity of NNNNNN domains / When both nTLD and .com are available / sold for $10,100 / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
The best target ROI (Return on investment) when flipping a domain – Everyone seems to have some type of goal set when it comes to the best return on their investments. What would you say the best return should be? sold £2500 – A great return on investment with this four-digit domain name sales report. Time to roll your sleeves up and get motivated.
Share your 3 new gTLDs with highest automated appraisal! – Which three new gTLD domains do you own with the highest automated appraisal? sold for $10,100 – Yet another five-digit .ai ccTLD domain name sales report to help get all of you .ai domain investors motivated.
When both nTLD and .com are available – Do you go for the .com, the new gTLD, or both the .com and the new gTLD? Or do you pass on them both since nobody seems to be interested at all?
About the popularity of NNNNNN domains – Has anyone else noticed that six number .coms are selling like hot cakes for more than they used to?
The best way to flip (Resell) .app domains – Have ou resold any .app new gTLD domain names yet? If so, how did you accomplish it? Share notes with other .app resellers and compare their strategies with yours.