Today: I’m looking for a Pronounceable 4L .com / Emphasizing subdomain possibilities in your pitch / sold for $2,322 / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Showcase and discuss Cold Storage domains – Do you have any cold storage domains in your portfolio you want to show off? Check out what other investors are buying.
Need Dictionary .org or .net – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these or .net domain names. This buyer is ready to invest.
Buying the .app domain of an existing business? – This sounds a bit like premeditated squatting, which could result in legal headaches. What do you think?
I’m looking for a Pronounceable 4L .com – Do you own one of these pronounceable four letter .com domains and looking to sell? Check out this buyer’s specified guidelines. sold for $2,322 – I wouldn’t have thought this domain would have made it passed three digits, but someone else sure did. Nice sale!
Emphasizing subdomain possibilities in your pitch – Have you ever emphasized the subdomain possibilities to potential buyers to help close a deal or establish value? How did that work out for you?
It only takes one domain to make a million bucks – do you have the next million dollar domain name? You might have it and just haven’t realized it yet.
May 22nd, 2018 at 4:39 am
Great Content, wish I could throw a domain around for a million bucks lol… currently got on offer