Archive | February, 2018

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How to get started in domain investing with a very tight budget

Posted on 27 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Hit me up with the best .com you have for $50 / / sold for $2,000! / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news. – Wait, what? Excuse me, but what is this investment based on? I’m not sure why someone thought this domain asset had value, but maybe I’m missing something. How much do you think it’s worth?

BUYING 4L.COM CHIPS NO A E I O U or V NAMES! Payment Via BTC OR ETH!!! – Hurry up and get your portfolio out to make sure don’t have any of these domain assets laying around. This investor is a serious buyer and looking buy everything you have that fits their criteria. – I can see a freelance mercenary or recruiter using for their campaign, but I’m sure it would attract a lot of controversy in today’s media. What would you evaluate this domains worth at? – Hmm. Now, what in the world were they thinking when they invested into this one? A private society for cat people or maybe a cat lovers community? It’s long, but it’s catchy. What would you appraise it for?

Hit me up with the best .com you have for $50 – Be sure to double check your domain portfolio for one of these domain assets. this buyer is ready to buy them all from you. sold for $2,000! – Very nice sale! You have to love still seeing so many four ccTLD sales reports out there.  This is where motivation is born.

How to get started in domain investing with a very tight budget – What are some of the things you would recommend a new investor do that has a very small and tight budget to get started in the domain industry?

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The best choice for a new gTLD launch

Posted on 25 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Domain Names and “Action Words” / How much tax are you paying for the domain sales you make? / Sold for $30,000 / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news. – What on earth could a domain name asset like be developed into that generates revenue? seriously, is there a way to make a penny or two looking at old auction bid data?

Clear.Info – Maybe it translates to “Clear Information”. With that said, maybe it could be a data wiping service? Basically, a service that allows the consumer to clean a server or format a hard drive. There are many services like that out there, but could this domain be worth anything? – Is this a joke? I guess it could be brandable, but does it have any reseller value? Is this a bad investment or are they a genius?

How much tax are you paying for the domain sales you make? – Are you paying taxes on your domain sales or are you avoiding them? Maybe you were not aware that sales tax should be applied to a domain asset? Share your thoughts and experience.

Domain Names and “Action Words” – Do you invest in action word domain names at all? They seem like a great idea and some have sold for a pretty penny. What kind of success have you had with action words? Sold for $30,000 – Nothing like a five digit .net gTLD sale to get that blood pumping through you and your heart racing. You have to love seeing motivational domain sales reports like this one.

The best choice for a new gTLD launch – Have you ever looked at the current lineup of gTLDs and thought to yourself that you could have thought of a better one that everybody would want to develop on? What was it? Put your idea to the test and see what other investors think?

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The Average Time It Takes To Close A Domain Sale

Posted on 23 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: He Nearly Lost Everything To Win The Domain / .wtf showcase / The best keyword (already registered) domain search tools / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news. – Faster surgeries would be awesome, but by speeding up the process wouldn’t that make the quality of the job worse? Keeping that in mind, how much would a domain name like be worth? – Now this is an interesting pronounceable, short, and brandable 4 letter .com. How much do you think this beauty would be worth in today’s domain markets? – Really? What were they thinking when they registered this? Go looky in the back yard? Go looky under the bed? It’s playful, sure, but does it have any value?

.wtf showcase – Share your .wtf new gTLDs here. Are you a .wtf domain asset investor and looking to show off one of your most prized assets? Share it here and see what others are investing into.

He Nearly Lost Everything To Win The Domain – This is an old case, but it’s still valid in today’s investing world. If you follow UDRPs, then this is a case you must know about. Stories of huge corporations losing a legal battle against your average joe.

The best keyword (already registered) domain search tools – Have you ever used a tool like this to find domains already owned with specific keywords? Share your favorite tool or check out one someone else uses with success.

The Average Time It Takes To Close A Domain Sale – How long does it normally take you to close a domain sale from start to finish? Share your experience and read about others with similar or better averages.

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Looking for (CVC preferred)

Posted on 21 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Buying LLLL.COM CHIP Domains / I’m Investing into CVCV.COM – CVVC.COM / sold for $15,100 – It sold previously for $52,500 in ’08 / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news.

The importance of character accents in .de names – Are you a .de ccTLD investor? What statistics and research do you have on character accents when it comes to .de domain names and their ability to acquire more interest from end users?

Opinions on .UK – For those of you investing in .uk domain assets, do you think that they are in more or less demand than Are they easier to sell? – I think the hyphen in this one kills it to be honest. How would you evaluate a domain like Do you think it has any value in today market? sold for $15,100 – It sold previously for $52,500 in ’08 – Wow! Talk about a big loss in that investment. It went from $52,500 in 2008 to $15,100 in 2018. That’s a $37,400 loss (Not including renewals). Is this a sign that value is dropping?

I’m Investing into CVCV.COM – CVVC.COM – This investor is desperately seeking some cvcv.coms and cvvc.coms. Do you have any in your portfolio you want to sell? Their budget is up to $10,000.

Buying LLLL.COM CHIP Domains – Do you have any 4 letter CHIPs in your portfolio you want to sell? This investor is looking to take them off your hands if you do.

Looking for (CVC preferred) – Be sure to triple check your portfolio for one of these 3’s. if you have any you want to let go for reseller pricing, let this buyer know.

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Domains will go up faster in value than any other commodity ever known to mankind

Posted on 19 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Monetizing Deleted Domains / Buyer does not wish to pay through PayPal after I already pushed the domain / Is $1 to $3 too much for a ‘decent’ but not high-quality domain? / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news.

Why does it have to be end-user or reseller? – I have seen a lot of people giving appraisals with just 2 price ranges. I think I agree there should be a 3rd (middle) range. A great appraiser that does this calls the middle range, the “Hobbyist” range. I think Eric over at NamePros has this one nailed perfectly. What are your thoughts?

Best .Com Domain Registered Direct From A Registrar? (Last 2 Years) – Share your best hand registered domain name in the last two years that you either developed, sold for a huge profit, or still own with a premium price tag on it. – Really? Did someone actually register this for reselling? What were they thinking? Do you has any value at all in today’s markets?

Monetizing Deleted Domains – What are your thoughts about this? Have you ever monetized a deleted domain name before? If so, what kind of results did you have? Please share your research and statistics.

Is $1 to $3 too much for a ‘decent’ but not high-quality domain? – It seems that a lot of people with questionable domain investments are confused as to why they are not selling for $1 to $3. It’s quite possible the domain in question was a bad investment initially and nobody is interested in acquiring them.

Buyer does not wish to pay through PayPal after I already pushed the domain – OMG! Why do so many people push a domain first before confirming payment for the domain asset? This just baffles me. People don’t walk out of a grocery store with products without paying first. Domain assets are no different.

Domains will go up faster in value than any other commodity ever known to mankind – How do you feel about this bold domain value statement? Do you agree that domain assets will steadily grow in value faster than any other commodity ever known or is it just hype?

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Are you keeping track of the money you make investing in domain assets?

Posted on 17 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: The top 5 new gTLDs in domain investors portfolios / extension showcase and discussion / Die-hard domain investing or digital asset investing? / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news.

Wanted’s under $10,000 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these three letter .com’s. This investor is ready to buy them up! – Maybe a “try before you buy” type promotional network? Companies that offer free trials might get some good exposure on such a network. But, is the domain asset itself worth anything? – A digital coin swapping site maybe? It’s bind of limited with “bit” in the name though. How much would you value this domain asset for?

The top 5 new gTLDs in domain investors portfolios – What are the top five new gTLD’s that you invest into? Care to share some of your research and data with other new gTLD investors? Learn what other investors buy and why. extension showcase and discussion – Share your ccTLD domain assets here. Don’t be shy, discuss ccTLD investments with other like-minded investors and brainstorm new ways to reach end-users.

Die-hard domain investing or digital asset investing? – Which type of investor are you? There is obviously more scalability when it comes to domain name assets than there is with digital currencies. How many of your investments is domain name related?

Are you keeping track of the money you make investing in domain assets? – How are you keeping track of your domain profits? Are you using a software, digital notes, or writing it down the old-fashioned way with a pencil and paper?

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Domain investing strategies with the highest ROI

Posted on 15 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Outbound selling tactics / Negotiating with a potential buyer / Mixing Cyrillic letters and Latin letters / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news.

Buying GOOD 1 words / 2L’s of any TLD – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these bad boys. This investor has cash burning a hole in their pockets and ready to buy some domain names.

Sold another four letter dot com for $XX,XXX – Awesome sale! These are the kind of domain names sales reports that get your blood pumping and motivate you to get back out there and sell some domain names. – Am I missing something? Why did they invest in this domain asset? I get that if you add a letter it would spell out “Laptop”, but seriously, is there any value in such a domain name?

Mixing Cyrillic letters and Latin letters – Now this is a strange investing strategy. Have you ever mixed puny codes to see if you could sell them? It just seems like a backward way to invest.

Negotiating with a potential buyer – What would you do if you were in the same situation and trying to negotiate with this potential buyer? Would you do something different?

Outbound selling tactics – Do you have a specific outbound sales tactic that works better than all the others? Be sure to compare notes with other investors that have good outbound strategies too.

Domain investing Strategies With The Highest ROI – Share your domain name investing strategies with other domain investors and compare notes to see who has the best strategy to generate the highest return on investments.

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Investing in GEO + service domains is a good strategy

Posted on 13 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Here are some real domain investing costs to consider / Portfolio size versus sales / finally sold for $180k / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news.

$100 logo contest – Do you have some design skills and looking for some extra cash to put in your wallet? Get on over to the contest and submit an entry for consideration. Good luck!

Inventory dot com sold for – It’s a small $150 sales report, but it’s not really that great of a misspelled domain name. I’m surprised it got as much as it did. Congrats on the sale! – Hmm. Not sure what to think about this domain asset. North, South, and Central America are real, but I don’t think East and West America is. What would you appraise a domain like this one for?

Portfolio size versus sales – Many people say that domain investing is a numbers game and that the bigger the portfolio, the more frequent the sales. Do you have any statistics or evidence to prove otherwise?

Here are some real domain investing costs to consider – If you haven’t taken time to break down your monthly domain investment expenses, you might want to make time after reading this. It’s important to fully understand what your costs are going to be prior to investing in hundreds/thousands of domain names. finally sold for $180k – Awesome sale! You have to love motivational sales like this one. it keeps that domain blood pumping and heart racing.

Investing in GEO + service domains is a good strategy – Do you invest in GEO + Service domain name assets? Can you share some of your research data with other like-minded investors? What is the ROI you’ve been averaging?

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Are you bailing out and selling your crypto domains with others?

Posted on 11 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Domain investing vs. gambling / .gives new gTLD discussion / The average domain parking CTR% / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news.

Which valuation tool is your go-to? – Seriously? Personally, I think that any automated evaluation/appraisal tool is invalid and should be avoided at all costs.

I was scammed and its embarrassing – Have you ever been scammed like this before or do you operate with more security measures in place that trigger red flags?

Why do newly registered domains retain less value? – Can someone explain why a newly registered domain asset has less value than one that’s been owned, but never sold, for over a decade? This might be a trick question. You decide.

The average domain parking CTR% – Lot’s of investors park their domain names, but what are they really generating on average in CTR %s? Collaborate and share your CTR data with other investors that park their domain names.

Domain investing vs. gambling – Do you relate your domain investing to gambling? Do you really think that it’s a game of luck/odds like gambling is or could there be research and hard data to back investments?

.gives new gTLD discussion – Do you own any .gives new gTLDs? Can you share some of your research and statistics with other .gives domain asset investors? Collaborate with other like-minded new gTLD investors.

Are you bailing out and selling your crypto domains with others? – How are you managing your crypto domain assets in today’s markets? Has the trend ended and got you scrambling to sell or are you holding on and crossing your fingers things get better?

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How to present the .com to the owner of the ccTLD version

Posted on 09 February 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: California, Silicon Valley Domain Investor Meetup / .CC end user domain markets / Buying Single Spanish word .Com’s / And more!

Here are the new domain discussions and domain news.

How much is your limit on single domain auctions? – Is there a such a thing as a limit on domain auctions? Shouldn’t the “Limit” depend on the domain name being auctioned and not a flat rate that encompasses any domain name? – There is still a lot of money in the online gambling niches, but is there any money in gambling feeds that would justify value for a domain like

Buying Single Spanish word .Com’s – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these single Spanish word .com’s. This investor is ready to buy! – any thoughts? – Lawnmowers are a hot item in the U.S.A., but are they just as hot in the U.K.? What kind of value would you put on

California, Silicon Valley Domain Investor Meetup – Are you in the silicon valley area of California and a domain investor? Interested in meeting up with other like-minded investors like yourself?

.CC end user domain markets – Share your .cc ccTLD statistics and data with other .cc domain investors. Compare notes and brainstorm new strategies.

How to present the .com to the owner of the ccTLD version – Have you had much luck with this strategy? What are some tips that you would recommend when approaching the owner of a ccTLD in the same name as the .com asset you want to sell them?

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