Posted on 30 January 2017 by Andrei
I’m sure some of you never sell to other investors because you have enough capital to play the buy and gold game. Most domainers however do end up needing liquidity for various reasons and decide to sell their domains at wholesale prices on the reseller market. Some even focus on that market (yours truly, for example).
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Posted on 29 January 2017 by Andrei
A week or so ago, a reader raised a valid point and mentioned that a domain isn’t considered sold until the actual payment takes place. That’s definitely true but it does beg the question: should bloggers refrain from sharing the grand totals of events such as the ROTD NamesCon auction?
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Posted on 27 January 2017 by Andrei
I’ve had a LinkedIn account for a long time but never really used it.
Always thought LinkedIn was for people who had “real” jobs or at least wore pants when working. 2-3 days ago however, I thought I’d give it a try and uploaded a profile pic, added a better description and so on. Furthermore, I checked out the section through which LinkedIn recommends people you should add and saw a LOT of familiar faces.
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Posted on 26 January 2017 by Andrei
I’m going to have to strongly disagree with Aaron and say that this month’s GreatDomains inventory is very, very weak IMO. Probably due to NamesCon being in the spotlight this month.
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Posted on 25 January 2017 by Andrei
A few minutes ago, Elliot pointed out that GoDaddy just emailed its customers about a Dot Net price increase that’s scheduled for February 1. You should expect emails from some of the other registrars as well, since Verisign (the entity which is in charge of Dot Com as well as Dot Net) has decided to make wholesale prices go up.
Verisign is allowed to increase Dot Net prices by 10% each year, whereas with Dot Coms, they’re no longer allowed to do that. 10% per year may not seem like much but it definitely adds up. Especially if you’re a big portfolio holder.
Here’s what happened to Dot Net prices since 2012.
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Posted on 25 January 2017 by Andrei
In my opinion, it’s important for domainers to figure out exactly what they want from live domain auctions because right now, there’s a lot of confusion in the air. Therefore, I’ve decided to share my thoughts about the ROTD NamesCon auction today.
Let’s get started.
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Posted on 23 January 2017 by Andrei
I’m watching the auction via NameJet as we speak and thought it would be a good idea to post the live results here. Maybe some of you aren’t NameJet users or perhaps issues such as a poor Internet connection are preventing you from watching the auctions. I’ll update this post as often as I can, you can refresh it if you want to be kept up to date or you can of course just drop by later and see the final results 🙂
Here they are:
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Posted on 23 January 2017 by Andrei
… only about 11 hours left (it starts at 3 PM Pacific time) and I have to say, I’m following several of these. Since I live in Europe, this means I’ll have to stay up quite late and I don’t really do this nowadays unless it’s genuinely worth it. The fact that I consider some of these auctions worth staying up for says a lot.
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Posted on 21 January 2017 by Andrei
I dislike making predictions and want to make it clear this post isn’t one. Instead, think of it as the scenario I attribute the highest probability to. I may very well be wrong and in fact, actually hope I’ll be wrong.
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Posted on 19 January 2017 by Andrei
The UK Brexit vote, the election of Trump in the US are just two examples which make it clear that more and more people have adopted an isolationist attitude. The same principle is valid elsewhere in the world as well. In Europe, isolationist candidates are at record-breaking popularity levels in a lot of places and again, all of this is taking place in a democratic framework.
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