As a domain investors, we can safely say that we have a professional flaw: the fact that we tend to attribute far more importance to the domain as far as the development process is concerned that reason would dictate.
Posted on 21 August 2015 by Andrei
As a domain investors, we can safely say that we have a professional flaw: the fact that we tend to attribute far more importance to the domain as far as the development process is concerned that reason would dictate.
Posted on 20 August 2015 by Andrei
As the title suggests, today’s post will revolve around yours truly explaining why you shouldn’t trust me. It may sound weird but then again, I’m sure all regular DomainingTips readers are used to strange posts by now.
I have decided to write this post because it doesn’t just apply to me. It’s just as relevant when it comes to each and every other person you come across on the Internet.
Posted on 19 August 2015 by Andrei
I offer to share my opinion about the portfolios of those who are subscribed to my newsletter (details in the sidebar) and try to do it within 48 hours. However, I’ve been in the process of moving this month, so I haven’t been able to find the time to reply to portfolio analysis-related emails.
Posted on 18 August 2015 by Andrei
The Dot Online new gTLD will enter the Early Access Phase tomorrow and the General Availability period will start next Thursday. On the one hand, “online” is definitely an amazing word but on the other hand, I’m not sure it belongs on the right of the dot.
Posted on 17 August 2015 by Andrei
… in my opinion, the answer is closer to “no” than to “yes” and I will try to explain why. It’s easy to place all of the burden on registries and assume they have to buy their way towards end user awareness (billboards, TV ads, radio ads, online advertising of course and so on)… realistically speaking, that’s not going to happen. Why? Simply because they’d have to throw ridiculous amounts of money to obtain even a ridiculously small fraction of the results that dot com for example obtains effortlessly.
Posted on 16 August 2015 by Andrei
In my upcoming book, I’ve written an entire subchapter about the fact that life unfortunately sucks sometimes. An illness for example (something I’ve personally been through and something the domainer I’m referring to is now dealing with) can bring a person who thought he was in good financial shape on the brink of bankruptcy. Today’s post is about Rami Steitiyeh, a fellow domainer who has been in the industry for many years.
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Posted on 15 August 2015 by Andrei
Domain brokerage isn’t one of my main occupations but every now and then, I help domainers sell their short domains in exchange for a 3% commission. The only catch is that I only sell to other domainers, I don’t deal with end users. It shouldn’t be hard to understand why: since I only charge 3%, I’m only willing to accept brokerage requests if I can generate a sale without a lot of effort being required on my part.
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Posted on 14 August 2015 by Andrei
As the owner of Stocks.XYZ, I’d be very happy if .XYZ domains go up in value significantly and I think the Google Alphabet thing will have a noteworthy impact on .XYZ domain values but not due to mass adoption. Instead, I think that just like with Dot IO, the price jump will come from startup/tech world adoption. Nothing more, nothing less.
Posted on 13 August 2015 by Andrei
Most domainers are familiar with WordPress-powered blogs, so I think there’s definitely demand for a plugin which makes selling domains through WordPress-based sites easier. Today, I’ll be blogging about a plugin which enables you to do just that and I’d like to start by writing about how I found out about it in the first place.
Posted on 12 August 2015 by Andrei
Ironically, just two weeks after I asked you guys what you thought about the domain Stocks.XYZ, an announcement took the domain industry by storm: the fact that Google has purchased and will be using ABC.XYZ. I’m a pragmatic guy and as such, am not quick to jump to conclusions such as “wow, the average Joe will start registering lots and lots of new gTLDs and Dot XYZ in particular”… it takes way more than this for us to get anywhere near that point.