Categorized | New gTLDs

Not All Great Keywords Belong on the Right of the Dot

Posted on 18 August 2015 by Andrei

The Dot Online new gTLD will enter the Early Access Phase tomorrow and the General Availability period will start next Thursday. On the one hand, “online” is definitely an amazing word but on the other hand, I’m not sure it belongs on the right of the dot.

For example, Online.Furniture sounds a lot better than Furniture.Online.

Or Online.Loans vs. Loans.Online, Online.Marketing vs. Marketing.Online and so on.

For pretty much all product name domains, Dot Online belongs on the left of the dot in my opinion, not on the right.

Verbs represent an exception.

For example, Shop.Online or Find.Online sound ok.


Well, domains such as London.Online also sound ok-ish but nothing Earth-shattering, not too thrilled about them.

The expectations for Dot Online are high for sure (I’m convinced a lot of people are curious what the post-EAP and post-GA numbers will look like) and I admit, the word is great. In my opinion however, when it comes to a lot of domains, it just doesn’t belong on the right of the dot. As far as product name domains are concerned, I don’t consider Dot Online a good fit. Verbs sound much better and geos are somewhere in the middle.

What do you guys think about Dot Online?

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Marian Says:

    “ONLINE” as “GLOBAL” are perfect for spanish, portuguese and italian domains as they always use these keywords after outhers. Example: (means online business) or (means global business)

    For english and german domains not really as te correct spelling is the one you wrote above. I definitely share your point of view, Andrei.