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No, Skype Can’t Detect Malware – If You Receive a “Fishy” Skype Call, Decline It

Posted on 13 September 2011 by Andrei

Just got a “call” on Skype with a title similar to “System Message! Urgent Call” or something like that and thought I’d warn you guys about it. Needless to say, I declined and blocked the user in question but out of curiosity, I performed a Google search to find out how those people operate.

It turns out they make money by tricking people into thinking that Skype detected a virus (?!?) and that the only solution is buying an antivirus program that they “vouch” for.

Here’s a thread about this issue on the official Skype forum.

If you receive such a call, just decline it and block/report the user in question. No, Skype can’t detect malware 🙂

3 Comments For This Post

  1. monacoapartments Says:

    Yeah, hackers and trouble makers can use any platform to steal your data. So its better to be careful and cautious when you see such calls.

  2. freelance seo firm Gurgaon Says:

    Needless to say, I declined and blocked the user in question but out of curiosity

  3. Aurelio Gugel Says:

    Blasphemy! LOL Just kidding. Ive read similar issues on other blogs. Ill take your word by utilizing this. Stay solid! your friend.