So a short while ago, someone contacts me via email and asks for some development advice. It happens every once in a while, no problem at all. Glad to help. But the person I’m referring to now, when contacting me, basically acted as if I owed him something and that’s just plain wrong.
When sending the initial email, be polite and not demanding. Words like “please” exist for a reason. So back to the guy I’m talking about, his email was anything but polite.
I thought that maybe it’s just a language barrier thing and gave him some pointers.
He didn’t thank me through his reply and, instead, emailed me some follow up questions.
Less than 24 hours passed without me replying, he sends me an email asking if I’m going to answer his follow up questions and the email ends with three question marks (???).
What would you guys do in this case?
December 4th, 2011 at 8:21 pm
Tell him to GFH.
December 4th, 2011 at 9:58 pm
At this point I would be concerned cause he seems to have some major issues and might need medical help.
December 5th, 2011 at 6:16 am
I admire your move.You are helping people and I think it shows your kindness and humble.I always believe that knowledge increase by sharing with others.Thanks for such efforts.
April 18th, 2012 at 8:57 am
Ahh this song brings back so many memories.? Love it!!!!