Am I the only one who hates seeing phrases like “acquire this domain” (or even worse, “acquire this Web property”) instead of plain ol’ “buy this domain” when reading a sales thread on a domaining forum? Here’s a tip for ya: say no to “end user talk” when communicating with another domainer!
Simply because “end user talk” will make a lot of domainers think that you consider them idiots.
When talking to an end user, sure, you can even use pompous terms like “acquire this Web property” but a domainer will be turned off by such phrases.
When trying to sell to an end user, you can use the sale of a domain like for millions as a selling point and get away with it. A domainer, on the other hand, will stop taking you seriously because he/she will know that the sale of a domain such as is irrelevant as an argument in favor of buying
The list could go on and on but you guys are smart, so I’m sure you get my point: do yourself a favor and stop using “end user terms” when talking to domainers 🙂
June 18th, 2011 at 4:54 pm
end user??? that sounds like somebody’s gonna do ya up the butt!!!
June 18th, 2011 at 5:25 pm
How about using the terms like “HighlyBrandable” or Brandable-Domain 😉
June 18th, 2011 at 5:50 pm
Lets put on loud jackets, sidle up to our next buyer and say “Would ja like to git one of dem URLs? Them sellin’ like hawt cakes!”
June 18th, 2011 at 7:46 pm
“acquire this web property” is not pompous
go put on your George W Bush cowboy hat and pick your ugly dumb nose, is that simple enough for ya?
June 18th, 2011 at 8:45 pm
@Billy Joe: I didn’t know my nose had an IQ. Thank you for the anonymous comment, you are a true keyboard warrior / Internet tough guy 🙂
June 18th, 2011 at 8:47 pm
Oh, I almost forgot, obligatory references:
June 18th, 2011 at 9:14 pm
There’s a time and place for everything. DOmainer talk should be more casual, I agree because using words like those in this post ironically makes you look like a n00b. You can’t tell another domainer to acquire a web property because it’s not how we talk to each other on forums and what not. That’s kinda like telling someone who’s into SEO that you’re going to post links on google, it just makes you sound like a n00b if you use mainstream talk when doing business within your own industry.
June 18th, 2011 at 9:26 pm
i don’t even look for domains on forums anymore…too much crap not enough diamonds. now that you mention it I remember a thread i had a long time ago when i was looking for domains. i got the most elaborate pms from guys selling ridiculous domains acting like they’re gold so you’re not the only one who hates it
June 18th, 2011 at 10:10 pm
The design world is similar, I can say this from my experience. Like you said, I talk in one way with a local client that is new to the net and more friendly even with net slang like lol or lmao if I sell design on a forum where everyone makes money online.
June 19th, 2011 at 3:30 am
“…i don’t even look for domains on forums anymore…too much crap not enough diamonds. now that you mention it …”
“…How about using the terms like “HighlyBrandable” or Brandable-Domain…”
Don’t use “slang language”…use “Hottest Domain Names… for sale…” This might turn them on… lol
June 19th, 2011 at 5:55 am
@cato p: forgot to reply to your comment.
You don’t have to say that the domain is “highly brandable” on a domaining forum. Just list it and let potential buyers determine whether or not it is highly brandable. A good domain doesn’t need a subjective explanation such as “wow, I’m selling an amazing domain” when listed on a domaining forum, it speaks for itself.
If you’re selling (random, not mine), you don’t have to mention that it’s a short domain because you’d simply be stating the obvious.
If you’re selling (random, not mine), you don’t have to mention that it’s highly brandable because you’d simply be stating the obvious.
That’s the main point of this post: don’t state the obvious, understand your target audience. Marketing 101. An end user will probably find comments such as “you can use the domain to generate search engine traffic”, “you can use it in your PPC ads and increase the CTR” or “it’s easier to remember, people won’t forget it after seeing it on a billboard or hearing it on the radio” and so on.
A domainer, on the other hand, already knows these things. Why state the obvious? If you want to provide additional info, then refer to facts that domainers genuinely find useful. Traffic stats, revenue stats and so on.
June 26th, 2011 at 7:24 am
Yes. i completely agree with you. End user terms should be removed to recpect users.
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