I wrote a post about the current results of the Uniregistry affiliate program for parked pages yesterday, an article I decided to write after reading by the case study posted by Mike Berkens.
Posted on 30 April 2014 by Andrei
I wrote a post about the current results of the Uniregistry affiliate program for parked pages yesterday, an article I decided to write after reading by the case study posted by Mike Berkens.
Comments Off on Pitching Alternative TLDs Through Parked Pages – Can It Work?
Posted on 29 April 2014 by Andrei
Mike Berkens wrote an interesting post about his experience with the Uniregistry affiliate program on his parking pages earlier today. The results weren’t good but that doesn’t mean the Uniregistry approach has no potential.
Posted on 28 April 2014 by Andrei
I for one don’t think we can simply use the term “domain market” in a way which encompasses absolutely everything. For example, NNN dot coms and NNNN dot coms have done remarkably well lately. Other domain types haven’t. For some domains, there’s lots and lots of demand whereas for others, there is practically none.
Posted on 27 April 2014 by Andrei
It’s been almost 8 months since I offered to analyze domain portfolios, so round 9 is long overdue. As usual, I won’t write a novel about the portfolio, I’ll simply share my 2 cents and let you know:
Posted on 26 April 2014 by Andrei
Nope, it’s not a typo 🙂
And don’t assume this is just some random copy/paste list someone put together in a few minutes, that’s not the case. The codes seem to have been tested by the person who put together the list and furthermore, there are confirmations from other people that they work. This doesn’t mean all of them will but we are definitely dealing with a very good “collection” of coupons.
Posted on 25 April 2014 by Andrei
A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that *all* category killers can fetch huge prices because they fail to understand that not all end users have the same type of financial strength. Simply put, there are several “categories” with end users who simply cannot afford to pay huge prices, not even for the very best domain.
Posted on 24 April 2014 by Andrei
Had a pretty bad day in the “offline” world but fortunately, I’ve developed a nice way of getting bad days out of my “system” as time passed. Sometimes I go for a walk, sometimes I choose another activity that makes me happy.
Posted on 23 April 2014 by Andrei
In my opinion, there are two possibilities. If development is something you’re good at or passionate about then sure, go ahead. If not however, then you’re better off letting those who are do it for you. At the end of the day, it’s all a matter of crunching some numbers.
Posted on 22 April 2014 by Andrei
This is a dangerous approach in my opinion and at least based on my experience, one with relatively poor results. A lot of domainers make the mistake of thinking that an end user who is motivated to buy today will still be interested in the future.
Posted on 21 April 2014 by Andrei
As we all know, “legendary domainers” or in other words the domain investors everyone knows about own some amazing gems, no question about that. However, I’ve noticed an interesting paradox when it comes to their portfolios. Yes, they own some truly amazing gems but on the other hand, they have considerably more low to very low quality inventory than I thought.