Archive | March, 2014

How Much Time Do You Actually Spend Working?

Posted on 31 March 2014 by Andrei

This question isn’t only relevant for domainers and/or entrepreneurs, it’s just as relevant for employees, freelancers and pretty much everyone else. I’ve noticed (and I’m sure most of you will agree) that people spend *so* much time on completely unproductive things (videos, random articles, you name it) when they’re (supposed to be) working that it’s not even funny.

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What If the Internet Would Cease to Exist?

Posted on 30 March 2014 by Andrei

I highly doubt that something like this could happen but as a professional domain investor, you owe it to yourself to at least think about such scenarios.

What if the Internet would cease to exist altogether as of next month?

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5 GoDaddy Discount Codes

Posted on 29 March 2014 by Andrei

Only managed to find 5 coupons for you guys this week, two times less than last week but the good news is that all of them *should* work internationally. It’s the first time this happened since I’ve been publishing this weekly column.

Usually, a lot of coupons only work for customers from the US or Canada but it seems that this week, GoDaddy is being more generous with its international customer base 🙂

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Should You Be a “Contrarian” Domain Investor?

Posted on 28 March 2014 by Andrei

Simply put, a contrarian is a person who doesn’t mind investing in things that most people stay away from. In other words, what the “crowd” says doesn’t influence contrarians all that much or actually, it might somewhat influence them but not like you’d expect: the more people stay away from certain types of assets (or certain types of domains in our case), the more tempted some contrarians tend to become.

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Will New gTLD Renewal Fees Go Down in 2015 and Beyond?

Posted on 27 March 2014 by Andrei

Right now, the high(er) registration/renewal fees make sense because the extensions in question are just being launched and consequently, a lot of the best domains of each new gTLD will be available on a first come, first served basis.

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Losing Sales vs. Leaving Money on the Tabe

Posted on 26 March 2014 by Andrei

Yesterday, I tried to explain that in my opinion, it might not be a good idea to reply to end user inquiries right away so as not to appear eager or even desperate to sell. Some readers disagreed and pointed out that you might lose sales that way.

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Resist the Urge to Reply to End User Inquiries Right Away

Posted on 25 March 2014 by Andrei

I admit, I’m always tempted to reply right away whenever I receive an end user inquiry and I’m sure a lot of you guys feel the same way. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with having that urge because our brain basically identifies a potential revenue source and urges us to take action right away.

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Will Type-In Traffic Disappear?

Posted on 24 March 2014 by Andrei

Let’s be honest: how many people do you know who still type in random keywords because they expect a relevant website to appear? I for one don’t know anyone who fits this description and I’m sure you guys will have a hard time thinking of someone as well but does this mean type-in traffic will disappear?

Well… no.

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Will Registrars Promote New gTLDs Aggressively?

Posted on 23 March 2014 by Andrei

The strategy registrars are or will be adopting is extremely important when it comes to raising end user awareness about new gTLDs. Imagine you’re Joe the End User and visit your registrar’s website because you have to renew an existing domain. If you see new gTLDs promoted aggressively on the homepage, you might find out for the first time about the existence of these new domains.

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10 GoDaddy Discount Codes

Posted on 22 March 2014 by Andrei

Pretty decent week for GoDaddy coupons, managed to find 10 for you guys out of which 6 *should* work worldwide. One only works for people from the US and as far as the remaining 3 are concerned, I’m not sure.

Haven’t used any of these myself, so I can’t guarantee they’ll work.

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