Occam’s razor is a popular problem-solving principle that more domainers should understand in my opinion.
It basically encourages you to choose the simplest solution among the competing solutions you have at your disposal.
Posted on 30 September 2013 by Andrei
Occam’s razor is a popular problem-solving principle that more domainers should understand in my opinion.
It basically encourages you to choose the simplest solution among the competing solutions you have at your disposal.
Posted on 29 September 2013 by Andrei
In my opinion, yes.
It’s enough to at least make me think things through again.
When someone like Frank Schilling or Rick Schwartz says something you don’t agree with, you should at least start acknowledging the fact that you might be wrong.
Posted on 28 September 2013 by Andrei
I’m fairly sure one of them works internationally and as far as the other 7 are concerned I don’t know.
Didn’t use any of these myself so as always, I can’t guarantee they’ll work.
Posted on 27 September 2013 by Andrei
I just read a comment Mike Berkens posted (HERE it is), it’s about the fact that his .me adventure turned out well and that his .xxx adventure didn’t turn out all that great.
Posted on 26 September 2013 by Andrei
One of my favorite things about domaining is the fact that more so than with other industries at least based on my experience, a virtual handshake gets you far.
I am referring to the trust factor, to the fact that a lot of deals in our industry (especially reseller market deals) require nothing more than a virtual handshake.
Comments Off on A Virtual Handshake
Posted on 25 September 2013 by Andrei
Lots of domainers think that they shouldn’t care about reverse domain name hijacking because they’re not one of the “big boys” (large portfolio holders) and ironically enough, that’s exactly why they *should* care.
Posted on 24 September 2013 by Andrei
… and the auctions will end on Thursday, in about 1 day and 20 hours.
Their inventory is better than last time. For example, they have the best collection of geo dot org domains I ever saw (USA.org, Germany.org, England.org, Italy.org, Spain.org and Europe.org).
Not bad at all.
Posted on 23 September 2013 by Andrei
I never quite understood why some people say “I’m looking for about $x” or “the price would be somewhere around $x” when a potential end user asks them for a price.
Posted on 22 September 2013 by Andrei
As of a certain point, during a conversation with a potential buyer, you end up understanding that you’re just wasting your time.
In other words, that there’s no way you’ll be able to seal the deal and that further back and forth discussions are useless.
Posted on 21 September 2013 by Andrei
I’m pleased to say that I think at least 3 out of 5 codes (the first 3) should work internationally. Not sure about the last two.