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Is the Fact That Frank or Rick Said Something Enough?

Posted on 29 September 2013 by Andrei

In my opinion, yes.

It’s enough to at least make me think things through again.

When someone like Frank Schilling or Rick Schwartz says something you don’t agree with, you should at least start acknowledging the fact that you might be wrong.

In other words, you should at least thoroughly re-analyze the issue in question.

If you’re bullish on new gTLDs vs. dot coms like Frank, the fact that Rick is bearish in that respect should at least make you acknowledge the fact that you might be wrong.

The same way, if you’re bearish on new gTLDs vs. dot coms like Rick, the fact that Frank is bullish in that respect should at least make you acknowledge the fact that you might be wrong.

What I’m trying to tell you is this: when someone as successful as Frank or Rick says something, you had better listen.

Even if it goes against everything you believe in or actually, *especially* if it goes against everything you believe in related to that industry.

Some people say you should analyze the message and not the messenger.

I’m not sure I agree with that.

In a world like ours where you are flooded with messages from various messengers each second, I’d say analyzing the messenger becomes quite important if you value your time and sanity 🙂

And if the messenger is someone you respect and who has a proven track record such as Frank or Rick, listen to all of that person’s arguments very carefully, exponentially more carefully in fact and thoroughly re-think everything.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. Kassey Says:

    Well said, Andrei. But, even experts can make mistakes. Rick was very bullish on .mobi during its launch, but changed his opinion few years later. So, while I listen carefully experts’ opinions, I still have to do my own thinking and arrive at my own decision. Nobody knows how the new gTLDs will pan out. I just keep an open mind.

  2. Savio DSilva Says:

    Frank and Rick might know a lot but whatever they say is based purely on their experiences in the world of domaining and might not be based on ground reality. The fact is that at least 15 of the new gTLDs or TLDs coming into existence soon will do exceedingly well. Frank and Rick cannot stop those domains from being registered and secretly they must be hoping that people register more of the new endings if they already own the dot coms.

    .app domain is a real killer. Millions of them will be registered. .web, .online, .hotel and a few more are almost certain to cross the million registration mark within 3 months of them being online.

    I would definitely consider Frank’s opinions much more valuable since he has actually been selling tons of domains for a long while while Rick is more like a pompous grouch trying hard to convince people to his line of thinking in order to sell a ticket to his domain conference or promote one of his sites for free.

    At the end of the day my dear blogging colleague it is always better to look at how you can benefit from any business situation yourself. Each domainer’s situation is quite different from another and we should start understanding that since it will help you sell more domains too.

  3. Healthy Smile Says:

    GTLD stands for “Great To Lose Money”. Consider yourself warned. Investment of the fools.