As a domainer, you hear certain expressions so often that they start losing their meaning. A lot of times, you need to see offline examples in order to understand just how true some of them are.
Posted on 07 December 2011 by Andrei
As a domainer, you hear certain expressions so often that they start losing their meaning. A lot of times, you need to see offline examples in order to understand just how true some of them are.
Posted on 06 December 2011 by Andrei
Only approximately one day and 13 hours left at the moment of writing, this month’s GreatDomains event will end soon. If you want to bid on one of the 5 fig+ domains, don’t forget that you need to upgrade your account by providing additional documents (you *might* be able to finalize everything in time if you send the documents asap).
Posted on 05 December 2011 by Andrei
Up until this point, they were only available to French residents but as of tomorrow, all Europeans will be able to register/own them according to a reminder I received via email.
Posted on 04 December 2011 by Andrei
So a short while ago, someone contacts me via email and asks for some development advice. It happens every once in a while, no problem at all. Glad to help. But the person I’m referring to now, when contacting me, basically acted as if I owed him something and that’s just plain wrong.
Posted on 03 December 2011 by Andrei
Yeah, yeah… gold is a hedge against inflation. Ok, I got that part. But over the past few years, it has risen in price dramatically and these days, pretty much everyone (from your neighbor to your local TV show host and so on) recommends it as an investment.
Posted on 02 December 2011 by Andrei
Adam from owns, Andrew from owns and Adam + Frank from own In all 3 cases, the domain redirects to their main site.
Posted on 01 December 2011 by Andrei
Google Panda and other algo changes had devastating results for a lot of webmasters and things will only get “worse”. Even huge players such as have implemented changes and they did the right thing in my opinion. The tip I am about to share is valid today and will be valid tomorrow, a month from now, a year from now and so on.