Today: The curious case of dot com domination / Share your best category-killer EMD (exact match domain)! / sold for $5,305 / and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying One-word domains Budget: Up to $200.00 – Do you have any single-word domain names in any of the extensions this buyer is looking for in your portfolio? If so and you’re looking to liquidate for some fast cash, this might be an opportunity.
The curious case of dot com domination – Has anyone else noticed that there are no other TLD’s that can compete with .com? Is this a definitive statistic or is there data out their that shows different? Share your research data and get involved in the debate. sold for $5,305 – That’s not a bad ten-letter, two-word, .com domain name sales report for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Share your best category-killer EMD (exact match domain)! – What would you say that your best EMD (Exact Match Domain) category-killer domain is in your portfolio? Compare notes with other domain investors and share your best ones.
CBG Domain Showcase – Are you investing into any CBG acronym domain names? What are your best ones? Take a look at what CBG domains some domain investors own and share yours too.
Write better Sales Emails that actually convert – Have you ever wanted to write the perfect domain name sales emails that convert? Take a look at some of the information and email strategy tips in this discussion.