Categorized | Domaining Tips

When Pitching to Domainers, Don’t Use End User Arguments

Posted on 31 October 2012 by Andrei

Maybe it’s just me but I always find emails from domainers who try to sell me domains by using end user arguments irritating. I’m a RESELLER, so I’m interested in buying domains in order to ultimately sell them to someone else at a profit.

For this reason:

1) don’t tell me about the development potential of the domain, I don’t want to develop it

2) don’t mention past sales which involved end user prices, I’m a reseller and am only interested in reseller prices

3) don’t pitch to me using phrases that are commonly used when trying to sell to end users

Understand your target audience and pitch accordingly: it’s not exactly rocket science, as I’m sure you’ll agree 🙂

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