Today: City Name Domains – For Lease Discussion / Domain income generating strategy / sold for $9,000 / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!
Contacting big companies – Are you an outbounder? How do you identify the decision maker at a company that you have the ideal asset for? Take a look at what some investors experiences have been.
Share your Magic-Mushroom/Shrooms/Psilocybin domains – Wow! Far out man… Did you see that tracer? Check out some of the magic-mushroom domain assets some investors own and share your best ones too. – What do you think about a four-letter dictionary-word .gg ccTLD like Does it have any value in today’s markets? sold for $9,000 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a nine-letter .net gTLD for a high-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Domain income generating strategy – Do you sell domain names in bulk at a lower price each, for higher quantity quick sales? How is that working out for you? Check out what some domain investors are saying about the bulk quantity strategy.
City Name Domains – For Lease Discussion – Have you ever leased a city name .com before? How did it all play out? Take a look at this domain investors plans to lease a city name .com.
When a potential buyer claims they can’t afford your domain asset – Have you ever had a potential buyer tell you that they could not afford your domain asset? If so, you can relate to this investors scenario, where he is trying to figure out what to do next. What would you do? Check out what other investors said.