As a domainer, I’m sure you understand where I’m coming from. A lot of domainers are actually “right” so to speak, in other words they add domains which genuinely have potential to their portfolio.
Unfortunately, as investors often say, the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent, so they have to let go of those domains too soon for liquidity-related reasons and end up selling at break even or even at a loss.
A well-funded domainer can afford to wait until the time is right to sell.
Maybe until the right end user comes along.
Maybe until reseller market prices reach a level the seller is satisfied with and so on.
Again, a well-funded domainer can afford to wait until the time is right to sell but most don’t have that luxury.
My advice?
Do whatever you can to avoid liquidity-related problems when you’re just starting out.
Maybe your house is too big.
Maybe you car is too expensive to maintain.
Maybe some of your habits cost you too much money.
You name it.
The problem is this: you shouldn’t just factor in the nominal costs, don’t forget the big picture or in other words, don’t forget about the opportunity costs.
You’re not just losing the money you spent on your car, house or whatever.
You’re losing the money you could have made by allocating that capital more wisely.
I know, we’re consumers. Bla bla,
I get that.
But as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait.
If you’re smart, ambitious and patient, you’ll eventually reach a point when you can afford whatever unreasonable expensive things you think will make you happy.
But until then, allocate capital wisely and as hard as it may be, wait 🙂