What to do while you are waiting for your first domain sale

Posted on 28 March 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Why Domain Investors Keep Coming Back / “Agency” And “Design” Names Wanted / Sold AdMobo.com for $1599 / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

TravelerLuggage.com – The “er” killed this one in my honest opinion. Do you think the “er” adds or subtracts value for this luggage related domain asset? How much would you appraise it for?

Buying 5L .com Pronounceable – Do you have any five letter pronounceable domain assets in your portfolio? If so, be sure to submit them for consideration to this buyer, they are ready to invest.

PostcardShipping.com – I’m not sure that the word “Shipping” compliments “Postcard” in a sense of online campaigns. The local post office has a pretty good command on this niche and private sector card manufacturers provide this information as a standard. How much would the domain be worth?

“Agency” And “Design” Names Wanted – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these two niche markets. This investor is looking to buy anything you have that fits their specific criteria.

Sold AdMobo.com for $1599 – Not a bad four digit sale for a domain like AdMobo.com. Would you have guessed it would have sold for that much? I wouldn’t have.

Why Domain Investors Keep Coming Back – Be sure to cast your vote in this poll on why domain investors keep coming back for more action! What brings you back each time you try to step away for a while?

What to do while you are waiting for your first domain sale – We all started somewhere, sometime. What did you do when you first started out and were waiting for that first domain to sell? What would you do differently knowing what you do today?

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