Two Word – Budget $30,000

Posted on 30 June 2024 by NamePros Daily

Today: Looking for AI – Budget $7,500 / Appraisal / Acquired and More…

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Looking for AI – Budget $7,500 – Check your domain portfolio and see if you have what they are looking for. They are looking for just one word dot ai. Appraisal – Check out this two word domain name. Do you think it has any value? Acquired – An interesting domain name for Microsoft to acquire. Any theories on what they may be planning for it?

Evaluation of – A great one word dot com. How would you value it in today’s market? I think it could be considered high value.

Two Word – Budget $30,000 – They want something aged by at least fifteen words and at least ten extensions. Check your portfolio and see if you have what they are looking for. It must be a dot com.

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  1. Satish Khandale Says: Available for you. Email to know more details.

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