Categorized | Top Commentators

The “Top Commentators” Plugin – My Way of Saying THANKS!

Posted on 07 November 2009 by Andrei

I want to reward you guys for contributing and as of today, the most active commentators will receive some well-deserved exposure as well as link love. Interested in a FREE sitewide dofollow link?

The list resets once per week and the 7 most active commentators will receive a FREE sitewide dofollow link (which will appear on the sidebar). You guys have been great so far and I think that a simple “thank you” wouldn’t have been enough. I’m sure that people have had a lot to learn from the posts I’ve published as well as from the comments: we make a great team, don’t you agree? 😉

10 Comments For This Post

  1. Ryan R. Young Says:

    Nice idea and a great way to give back to your readers. Look for more relevant comments from me!!

  2. Chef Patrick Says:

    Good job. This will give your readers more incentive to leave a comment.

  3. Nick Says:

    Appreciate the link Andrei, a very nice and unexpected present. I’m learning as I comment, so exchanging thoughts and learning by interacting though comments is also a big reason why I love to comment.

  4. Shane Says:

    I don’t comment for the link but always a nice gesture. I do enjoy the blog, keep up the good work

  5. nmwando Says:

    So let me get this straight… you give advice for free (advice you should be charging for!!!!!) and then even throw in a free link. If there’s a best deal ever award then you should have it! The advice you give is worth its weight in gold, thank y-o-u for finding time to run this blog and thank y-o-u for doing it with so much passion.

  6. Mojito Says:

    I think it is a great way to attract readers, especially in this niche!

  7. Xdreamer Says:

    Thank you Andrei, good to know that my comments are valued. Thanks again 🙂

  8. Jeremy L. Knauff Says:

    It’s a great idea to bump up interaction w/ your readers!

  9. 2D 3D Animation India Says:

    Its nice to get back a link for being a regular visitor to the blog..

  10. DoFollow Blog List Says:

    It’s great that you have top commentators. I have you on my dofollow list as a top commentator only blog. I just like to let the various webmasters know so they can decide whether or not they want to be included.
