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There Will Be More and More Domainers

Posted on 13 January 2013 by Andrei

One of the most obvious positive aspects associated with new gTLDs is exactly this: there will be more and more domainers, there will be a “gold rush” vibe that anyone who has been around for a while is familiar with. For our industry, that’s definitely a positive thing, no matter what your opinion about new gTLDs may be. The more attention domaining receives, the better.

We definitely won’t be bored, this much is certain.

There will be a lot of confusion, not just among beginners.

But this process will, in my opinion, ultimately end up having an overall positive effect.

How many active domainers are there at the moment of writing?

A 4 figure number most likely.

A few years from now, we’ll probably be looking at a 5 figure number of active domainers instead and again, that’s a very good thing.

Awareness, media attention, these are all positive aspects.

Domains deserve to become more popular.

People invest in a lot of things… art, gold, you name it.

Adding a premium domain or two to the mix would be a very healthy thing in my opinion.

The Internet is not just a fad that will evaporate soon, we’re waaaaaaaay past the point when people questioned the long-term potential of the Web. Now, even the most let’s call them skeptical commentators agree that the Internet plays a huge role in our existence as a civilization.

Lots of people think domaining can now be considered a mature industry.

I don’t agree, not quite yet.

We’re getting there but in my opinion, it’s the new gTLD launches that will ultimately be the final step.

The step that takes us from being perceived as a cottage industry to being taken seriously.

Some people will make money, some people will lose money.

C’est la vie.

Realistic domainers will be in a very good position to profit.

If you know what you’re doing, you have nothing to be afraid of.

gTLDs will be launched whether you like it or not, this is something you cannot control at this point, so don’t lose any sleep over it. Instead, analyze the current landscape, put together a strategy and I’m sure you’ll do great!

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