Most domainers/entrepreneurs *need* to spend more time away from the Internet in order to become better at… making money on the Internet?!? It sounds weird but it’s true.
Too much of a good thing can be bad for you and the Internet is no exception.
Think about it and you’ll agree with me that most domainers/entrepreneurs spend waaaaaaaaay too much time online.
First of all, they spend time actually working on their online projects.
Then, they also spend time chatting on social media sites and what not.
After that, they spend or should I say waste time reading useless stuff.
… and so on.
You get the point.
Let me make this perfectly clear: if everything in your life (work, communication, entertainment etc.) revolves around the Internet, that’s a sign that maybe it’s time to do what the title says and step away from the keyboard.
Maybe go for a walk.
Maybe meet someone, dare I say it… face to face.
Help someone out, look at a tree, you name it.
All of this will help you clear your mind and that ultimately enables you to make more money.
Yes, spending more time away from the Internet can help you make more money on the Internet and now that you understand where I’m coming from, I hope the first paragraph of this article makes a bit more sense 🙂