Categorized | Domaining Tips

Short = Memorable? Not Necessarily.

Posted on 18 July 2013 by Andrei

Being memorable is one of the most important characteristics a domain should have and a lot of people assume that all short domains are memorable because… well, they’re short.

That’s not necessarily accurate and a lot of times, a long(er) domain can be far more memorable than a short one.

Let’s try an experiment, memorize the following 3 LLLL dot coms:

Now try to memorize the following 3 domains:

That’s it.

Now close your tab or window and 8-10 hours from now, try to remember those 6 domains.

I’m pretty sure you’ll remember more domains from category #2 despite the fact that they’re longer.

Ask a friend to do the same thing and you’ll probably notice that the person in question will also remember more domains from category #2.

The concept of memorability is very important to understand.

While short domains have many advantages, memorability is not necessarily always one of them 🙂

2 Comments For This Post

  1. jay Says:

    but if you were to get their leakage what good is it if it would show parked adds relevant to their offerings and resulting in a udrp?

  2. jay Says:

    if you were to get their leakage what good is it if it would show parked adds relevant to their offerings and resulting in a udrp?