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Quick Tip: Track the Time You Spend Online!

Posted on 07 November 2012 by Andrei

As domainers, we’re probably all guilty of often thinking that we’re working even though the online activities we’re spending time on are anything but what one could consider work.

Here’s a tip that can help you figure out just how much of the time you spend online is “invested” in activities that aren’t productive: track the time you spend browsing!

There are LOTS of ways to do that, perform a few searches and you’ll find plenty of applications: everything from browser add-ons to desktop applications for pretty much any operating system out there.

Just one warning: brace yourself, the initial findings probably won’t be pretty 🙂

Most of us *assume* that we waste too much time but when confronted with the actual numbers… well, you could be in for a bit of a shock.

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