My outbound domain sales experience

Posted on 07 April 2018 by NamePros Daily

Today: Get rich by selling domain names / Marketplace not paying after my domain was sold / Why your domains might not be selling / And more!

Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:

Sales listing with 3000 views but no offers – Is it common to have 3000 views on a sales listing but not have any offers or engagement at all? How many views does it take to make a sale? Is it just a numbers game, right?

Mike Mann sold for $65,000 – Yet another five-digit sales by Mike Mann to get those creative and motivational juices flowing within you. Now get out there and sell some domains!

I’m buying: Two Word Science, Labs, Gene, Genome, Genomics Domains – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for one of these niche domain assets. This buyer is ready to invest in anything you have that fits their specified criteria.

Why your domains might not be selling – I think that the first thing to keep in mind is that the domain in question has to actually be in a niche that someone wants to invest into.

Marketplace not paying after my domain was sold – Is two weeks common to wait for a marketplace to pay after selling your domain and it already being transferred? What’s your experience with situations like this one?

Get rich by selling domain names – Ok, that was funny! There’s just so many different angles being played when it comes to marketing in the domain industry and this gets rich quick approach is one of them.

My outbound domain sales experience – Have you ever had an outbound sales situation like this one? How did you respond? Did you counter their counter or just take the profit they offered and sell the domain?

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