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Our “Work” Is Different, Not Necessarily Easier

Posted on 23 August 2013 by Andrei

A lot of 9 to 5 employees are tempted to say that being a domainer or an entrepreneur is easy because you get to organize your time however you see fit and things like that.

I disagree.

Sure, you can decide to sleep more today for example, I’m not saying there aren’t perks.

But just think about the most important difference between being a domainer or an entrepreneur and being a 9 to 5 employee.

Hint: the 9 to 5 term says it all.

Most employees “check in” mentally at 9 and “check out” mentally at 5.

We as domainers or entrepreneurs don’t have that luxury.

Our capital is always on the line and therefore, I’m sure I can speak for most of us when I say that our projects are *always* on our mind.

How many domainers or entrepreneurs only think about their projects from 9 to 5? Probably none of the successful ones.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

Whatever it is you do for a living, you are occasionally tempted to say “doing x, y or z would have been so much easier” but that perception is usually only based on the superficial information you have at your disposal.

Each line of work is different and if you want to form an opinion that’s in touch with reality, you have to analyze the cons and not just the pros 🙂

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