Today: sold for $8,100 / Share & Discuss your numeric domains with hyphens / Files .com sold for $750,000 / and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying western premium and pronounceable – Budget: Up to $1,000.00 ea. – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these premium and pronounceable four-letter .com domain name assets. This buyer is ready to help you liquidate if you need some fast Christmas cash.
Which social media platforms are you currently in? – Are you participating in multiple social networks, in addition to your other daily tasks? Which ones would you consider the best? Check out what some domain investors use the most.
Buying lots of domain types (read the post – Total Budget: $1,000.00 – Do you have any domain names that meet this buyers specified criteria that you would want to liquidate for some quick spending cash this weekend?
Share & Discuss your numeric domains with hyphens – Are you investing into any numeric domain names with a hyphen in them? If so, why? Take a minute to check out why some domain investors are buying them and share some of the ones you grabbed. sold for $8,100 – Take a look at this three-letter + one-number .com domain that sold for a high-four-figures. Is this the type of domain that you would guess could sell for more or less than it did?
Files .com sold for $750,000 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a five-letter, dictionary-word, .com domain for a high-six-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
One landing page versus multiple individual pages – When it comes to a landing page strategy, are you finding better success using a single page with all the niche domains or individual pages for each domain? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying.