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No Soup for You!

Posted on 11 April 2013 by Andrei

Some people think that during a domain negotiation, you have to be “tough” in a “no soup for you!” manner for lack of a better word. I disagree.

I’m not saying it can’t work, I’m just saying it isn’t the optimal approach for several reasons. Most of them are obvious, so let me just say this: during a negotiation, I treat the other party the same way I’d like to be treated if I were in the same position.

I apply this way of thinking in other areas of my life as well and in my opinion, it makes perfect sense. Some deals work out, some don’t but I’d advise against burning bridges. In an industry as small as ours, there aren’t all that many “reseller market bridges” in the first place if you know what I mean.

Just be polite.

If you seal the deal, great.

If not, no problem. Maybe next time.

Again, treat others the same way you’d want to be treated.

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