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NameCheap One Day Promo – Dot Com Transfers at $4.99

Posted on 31 March 2011 by Andrei

You can transfer up to 10 dot com domains from your current registrar to at only $4.99 a pop (they’re basically losing money by putting this deal on the table, a very aggressive customer acquisition strategy) if and only if you act quickly. The promo ends today at 11:59 PM EST if I’m not mistaken and if you want to take advantage of this offer, simply initiate the transfer(s) and use the coupon code “BYEBYEGD” when checking out.

2 Comments For This Post

  1. Xdreamer Says:

    very bad .com keeps increasing in price otherwise any company could offer domains at 5$ and still be in profit

  2. Andrei Says:

    @Xdreamer: I’m sure everyone would be thrilled if dot com prices were to be lowered for a change. Oh well, c’est la vie 🙂