As a domainer, it makes sense to be prepared liquidity-wise. In other words, to always have at least a little bit of capital ready in case unexpected opportunities arise.
Because Murphy’s Laws and domaining often go hand in hand 🙂
When you’re doing ok liquidity-wise, don’t be surprised if you’ll have a hard time finding decent investment opportunities.
And, you guessed it, those opportunities will probably come when you’re dealing with liquidity issues.
Most domainers can confirm that Murphy’s Laws have to be taken seriously in this industry.
That’s why my advice for you this Sunday is this: don’t jump at the first “so-so kinda-sorta” investment opportunity you come across because you might waste your capital and be left unprepared when *real* opportunities arise.
When you’re investing in something, you’re not just risking that amount.
That’s not the only thing you might lose.
You’re also losing the opportunity to invest the amount in question in something better and earn exponentially more.
Ignore my advice at your own risk.
Try to always have at least a little bit of “just in case” capital.
You snooze, you lose.
Nobody’s going to wait for you and a lot of times, you won’t have a second chance. That’s just the way it is.