Today, you can transfer your domain(s) to NameCheap at only $3.99 a pop (up to 50 transfers are allowed) and for every transferred domain, NameCheap will donate between $0.5 and $1.5 to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a donor-supported membership organization that works to protect fundamental rights regardless of technology and to educate the public on their digital rights.
It works like this:
For every domain transferred up until 10,000, Namecheap will donate $0.50 to EFF.
The donation amount will be increased to $1.00 per domain if 10,001-19,999 domains are transferred.
When the number of domains transferred in to Namecheap exceeds 20,000, we will increase the donation to EFF to $1.50 per domain.
As mentioned previously, you can transfer up to 50 domains and the coupon will only work today.
The coupon code is OPENINTERNET and for more info about this deal, click HERE.