Today: Sold a hand-regged 18 characters .com for $10,000 USD / Offer Received For 3 days Old .IO Domain – / EMD (Exact match domain) vs brandable – Why prefer one over other? / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying brandbucket published domains only – Total Budget: $500.00 – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these brandbucket published domains that this buyer is looking for if you need quick cash for this weekend.
Looking For HQ Aged Gambling Sites – Budget: Up to $400.00 – Are you holding any of these developed gambling related domains + websites that you would be willing to liquidate for some fast cash in your pocket today? If so, this might be an opportunity.
Sold a hand-regged 18 characters .com for $10,000 USD – Wow! Talk about a great ROI (Return on investment) for a domain that was hand-registered eight-years ago. It just goes to show that the long-hold game is still valid today.
EMD (Exact match domain) vs brandable – Why prefer one over other? – Is there a reason why you gravitate to investing into one more than the other? Share your strategy and reasoning while comparing notes with why other domain investors do it the way they do.
Offer Received For 3 days Old .IO Domain – – Have you ever has a five-figure purchase offer for a ccTLD domain like this .io three-days after registering it? What do you think the motivation was for this one? sold for $7,601 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a seven-letter, two-word, .com domain for a high-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?