Today: sold for $6,337 / Part Ownership: One domain, two owners… / One word dot coms, CVCV,, LLLL.coms – $250K Budget / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying 4L, dot com only – Budget: Up to $2,000.00 – Are you holding any four-letter .com domain names like what this buyer is looking for? If so, this might be a chance for a fast flip.
Buying SquadHelp domain – Total Budget: $1,000.00 – Be sure to double-check your domain portfolio for one of these SquadHelp domain names. This buyer is looking for a bulk deal if you have some they are looking for and willing to liquidate.
Buying 4 letter LLLL .com domain names at $85 ea.– If you need some fast spending cash this weekend and have a four-letter domain you would be willing to liquidate that meets this buyers guideline, this might be an opportunity.
One word dot coms, CVCV,, LLLL.coms – $250K Budget – Be sure to check your domain portfolio for one of these single-word, three-letter, our four-letter cvcv .com domains outlined in this buyers specified guidelines. This could be an opportunity for some quick reinvestment capital.
Part Ownership: One domain, two owners… – Have you ever jointly invested into a domain name asset with partner? How did you both decide on which party controlled the asset, or did you start a business domain holding accoing you both had access to? Check out what some domain investors are saying about joint domain ownership. sold for $6,337 – That’s a nice eleven-letter, two-word, .com domain name sales report for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Mexico.TV sold for $10,000! – Check out this five-figure, six-letter, doctionary-word, GEO-country, .tv, ccTLD sales report. If you were looking for some motivation, this is the kind of sales report that can accomplish it.