Today: The market advantage of a feminine brand name / Buying 4-8 Letter Brandable Domains (.COM ONLY) – Budget: Up to $250.00 ea. / Owner of wins UDRP case / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying .com that starts with “Brand”. – Budget: Up to $75.00 – Are you holding one of these brand + word .com domains in your portfolio? If so, this could be an opportunity to liquidate.
Buying 4-8 Letter Brandable Domains (.COM ONLY) – Budget: Up to $250.00 ea. – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these four to eight letter brandable .com domain names. If you have what this buyer is looking for, this could be a chance to liquidate.
Owner of wins UDRP case – If you like to follow the legal side of the domain industry, you might find this UDRP case an interesting read.
The market advantage of a feminine brand name – When investing into a new domain name asset, do you take into consideration the advantages of a feminine brand? Take a look at what’s being said about it. sold for $9,999 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a twenty-letter, four-word, .com domain for a high-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?