Today: Tips on getting the best exposure for domains / My very first domain sale / Buying One word .NET Domains – Budget: Up to $5,000.00 / and More…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
BUYING .com category killers – Budget: Up to $1,500.00 – Are you holding any category killer domain names in your portfolio? If so, and you’re thinking about liquidating for some quick cash this weekend, this might be an opportunity to do so.
Buying BB Listed Domains – Budget: Up to $25.00 ea. – If you have a few BrandBucket listed domains collecting dust that you are ready to liquidate and let go, you might want to check out this buyers specified criteria.
Buying expiring soon domains for $2 – Do you have a few domain names that are expiring soon and don’t plan on renewing them at all? If so, and you want to recoup a couple dollars, this buyer is looking for single or bulk deals.
Buying One word .NET Domains – Budget: Up to $5,000.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these single-word .net domain names outlined in this buyers guideline. It might be an opportunity for some quick reinvestment capital.
Tips on getting the best exposure for domains – What are some of the top strategies that you would recommend to other domain investors looking to maximize exposure to a domain name they are wanting to liquidate? Check out what some domain investors are doing.
My very first domain sale – Do you remember the very first domain name asset you ever sold? How did it make you feel? This sales report is only two-figures, but it brought a profit to the investor, which can be motivating. Check it out. sold for $19,927 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a three-letter, .com domain for five-figures. I would have guessed it would sell for more. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for.