As you probably heard, Heritage Auctions launched a Domain Name & Intellectual Property division led by Aron Meystedt.
In my opinion, it’s an important first step and here’s why:
First of all, as domainers, we should want as many “eyeballs” as possible.
The more people find out about our industry, the better.
I have no idea how many people will become active domainers after being introduced to the industry by Heritage Auctions but the more exposure like this domaining has, the better.
Personally, I think it’s an important step which makes it clear that the domaining business is here to stay.
Will the results be unbelievably spectacular right from the beginning?
Probably not, it takes time for a project like this one to become successful but one step at a time, more and more people are realizing that investing in premium domains makes perfect sense.
As time passes, more and more people will want a piece of the action.
How much of your net worth should be invested in domains?
I doubt there will ever be a one-size-fits-all answer to this question but the important thing is that those who want to diversify will gradually start understanding that the domaining industry deserves their attention.
Again, it won’t happen overnight but events like this one represent an important first step.