Just wanted to write this quick post and wish all of you a Happy (with an emphasis on HAPPY) New Year!
Good times or bad, there’s always room for love, gratitude and all that good stuff!
On this blog (and elsewhere), I’ve made no secret of the fact that when it comes to the economic dimension of our lives (not just domaining), I’m pretty pessimistic at this point. While I cannot accurately predict *when* and *how* things will unfold (nobody can), I believe there’s a ton of value in embracing financial preparedness. In making it a part of your life so that you don’t even care that much about the “when/how” dimension.
You just know bad times will eventually come. You also know that regardless of how prepared you are, it won’t be pretty. Not for you, not for your family or social circle. The only thing you can do is try, to the best of your ability, to become more financially literate and ultimately prepared. It’s why I’ve dedicated much more time to my One Minute Economics YouTube channel and second book than DomainingTips over the past few months. I just feel it’s what I have to do at this point, hopefully those of you who checked out my videos and/or books are happy with the work I’m doing on that front!
That being stated, there will always be a special place in my heart for domaining, so I’ll do my best to be “around” in one way or another. Once again, I wish you and the ones you love all the best in 2019 and beyond. Should there be anything I can be of help with, I’m an easy man to find 🙂
HAPPY 2019!