Categorized | Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

Posted on 31 December 2011 by Andrei

2012 is a couple of hours away over here, just wanted to wish you guys all the best before getting caught up in the celebration frenzy. Maybe 2011 has been great for you, maybe it hasn’t, maybe it has been great in some areas and not so great in others.

I’m not a pessimist but I’m not a “sunshine and butterflies” type of person either, I like to think of myself as a realist. I know that when it comes to things like the economy, our future (and when I say “our” I mean society as a whole) is not exactly bright but you know what, I’m confident that you are equipped with enough intelligence and common sense to make it bright for you!

I’d like to take advantage of this opportunity and thank you for being a reader. In 2012 and beyond, just like in the past, I will do everything humanly possible to help you make informed decisions.

Thanks a lot for your attention guys, it’s a privilege and I hope all of you will have a great 2012!

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