Today: Negotiation tricks for high ticket domain sales / sold for $5,505 / Why Dot-Best new tld may in fact be one of the “best” / And more!
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today!
Two word exact match .com – Budget: Up to $1,000.00 – Be sure to check your portfolio for one of these two-word exact match .com domain names. This buyer is ready for a quick wholesale transaction.
The percentage of assumed end user price a domain investor should pay to acquire a domain – Is there even a fixed percentage for that? Wouldn’t it all depend on multiple variables? How do you determine the reseller price based on the end-user price?
Why w/ repeated pattern are worth more when the pattern is at the end and not the beginning – Do you know the answer to this domain evaluation question? Why do you think that there is a difference in value? Take a peek at what some domain investors are saying about it. sold for $5,505 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a fifteen-letter, two-word + one abbreviation, .com domain for a mid-four-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Negotiation tricks for high ticket domain sales – Do you have some super special negotiation tricks or strategies to help close a big ticket domain name sale? Take a look at what other domain investors do to close a deal and share your experience, too.
Why Dot-Best new tld may in fact be one of the “best” – Wait, did they just say the new .best gTLD might be one of or the best TLD’s? Does someone have any stats to compare to verify or debunk that?
Falling in love with domains again – Have you ever fallen out of love with domain names? Maybe you decided to take a break for a while. It may be time to step back into the game. More and more investors of one time past are coming back to play too.